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PS9888 C. elegans C28G1.6(sy1963) X. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of C28G1.6. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CCGGTTTGTGCATCAAAACTATTCGAAAACCCCGA. Right flanking sequence: AGTGAAATGTCCAACTTGTCGTCAGCCAATTGAGG. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: AAGTTGGACATTTCACTTCG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9926 C. elegans F09G2.8(sy1979) V. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F09G2.8. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GACACTCGAATAGAAGTTCCAACGAGTAAAAACAG. Right flanking sequence: CGGTGGTGACGGAATGCACAGTCCGTATTACGACG. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: CCAACGAGTAAAAACAGCGG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9928 C. elegans F11E6.6(sy1981) IV. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F11E6.6. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GATATTTTTTTGTTTCTCTTCTTAAGAAATATCCTCAT. Right flanking sequence: ATTCTACCGTTTCTTGCGTCCCGTGATGCATCAC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GCAAGAAACGGTAGAATATG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9930 C. elegans C44H4.4(sy1983) X. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of C44H4.4. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: ctttttttcagATTCACAAAAAACTTGAAGCCCGAGC. Right flanking sequence: AGATATCCTTAGACGTGTTAAAAGGAAATAGTAAAC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: CACGTCTAAGGATATCTGCT. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9932 C. elegans trap-4(sy1985) X. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of trap-4. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GTCGCCAAAGTACTCGGCCTCGTCATTCTCCACTAC. Right flanking sequence: CGACGGATTCTTCCACTACAAAACCACCTTCATC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: TCGTCATTCTCCACTACCGA. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9934 C. elegans rab-39(sy1987) II. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of rab-39. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CTACCAATATCGTCTTATCGTTATTGGGGATTCAAC. Right flanking sequence: AGTTGGCAAATCTAGTCTTTTACGGTACTTCACAG. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GTTATTGGGGATTCAACAGT. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9935 C. elegans cyn-11(sy1988) II. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of cyn-11. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CGGATAACCCAATCGTTTTTCTAGAAGTTACCGC. Right flanking sequence: CGGTGGTGCACCAATCGGAACTATTGTTgtaagttg. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: TTTCTAGAAGTTACCGCCGG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9957 C. elegans lim-8(sy1989) III. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of lim-8. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: ccacttttcagTCAAAAGAAGAAATCCTCCAAGT. Right flanking sequence: GAATTCGGCGTCTCGACCAGCACTGCCACGTCAGC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GTCGAGACGCCGAATTCACT. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9959 C. elegans F16F9.1(sy1991) X. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F16F9.1. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CACCATCATATAGCCCTCGCCGCCCTCCTCCACCA. Right flanking sequence: TACGAAGAGCAGAACAATCGAAATGCAAAAAAGgtg. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: TTGTTCTGCTCTTCGTATGG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9961 C. elegans imph-1(sy1993) III. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of imph-1. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CAACTACAGGCCGTTCAACAGCAACAAGCCCAAC. Right flanking sequence: AGATGCACCATCGTCTTCAAGGAGCTCCGATCAATC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: AAGACGATGGTGCATCTGTT. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9963 C. elegans F26G1.1(sy1995) II. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F26G1.1. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GCCCGAAAATTCGAAACCGACCCGGATTTGGTAA. Right flanking sequence: TTCCGGCCGTTCAACACCCGTTAGAAGACGCAGAAAC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: CGACCCGGATTTGGTAATTC. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9965 C. elegans tep-1(sy1997) I. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of tep-1. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GAGTACAAATGCAGCTGTGGTGTCAACAACCGCGG. Right flanking sequence: CGCCAGTTAAgtaagttctgtaaaatattgatgatc. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: AACTTACTTAACTGGCGCCG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9979 C. elegans dhp-1(sy2005) I. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of dhp-1. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CACCACTTGTTATCAAGAATGGAACTGTCGTCAATGA. Right flanking sequence: AGATGGAATGTTTAAAGCTGATGTTCTTGTTAG. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GGAACTGTCGTCAATGAAGA. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9981 C. elegans Y105E8A.2(sy2007) I. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of Y105E8A.2. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GATTCTATTCACTATTATGTGTCATTTACAAGTG. Right flanking sequence: ATTCGGTGACAATAAAAGATCCACCAACACTGGAAAC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: TGTGTCATTTACAAGTGATT. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9983 C. elegans itm-2(sy2009) X. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of itm-2. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GTGTGCGAGGCTGATGAGGAGAAGCACATCAGTAA. Right flanking sequence: CTGCGGCTGGGTACCAATGGAAGGAGGCAACTTTG. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GAGAAGCACATCAGTAACTG. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9985 C. elegans sfxn-1.4(sy2011) II. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of sfxn-1.4. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: GCTCCGCCGATTCTTGCTCGTCTCGTTCCATTT. Right flanking sequence: GCTGCTATTGCATTCGCCAATGCAATTAATATTCC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GCGAATGCAATAGCAGCAAA. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9987 C. elegans F21G4.6(sy2013) X. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F21G4.6. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CAAATAACGGATGAATTAAGTACAAATGTATCGTTG. Right flanking sequence: GACAGGGAATTAAACCTTTTGAAATCGGCACAC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GTACAAATGTATCGTTGGAC. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9993 C. elegans F22G12.4(sy2022) I. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F22G12.4. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: caccaaaacccaaccaatttccagAGAACCTTTCGG. Right flanking sequence: CAATGGATTTCCTGCTCGGCAACGGAGCCGATGG. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: TCCAGAGAACCTTTCGGCAA. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9995 C. elegans F33E11.3(sy2024) V. Show Description
Superficially wild type. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of F33E11.3. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CAAATGTTCGATATCAGCGATTGGCTCAGGAGTATA. Right flanking sequence: CGAAGgtgcggacgagaaaattttttttttttttg. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: ATTGGCTCAGGAGTATACGA. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9997 C. elegans hint-1(sy1567) I; hint-3(sy2026) V. Show Description
Superficially wild type. Penetrance lethal with lots of unhatched eggs and slow growth. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of hint-3 into hint-1(sy1567) stop-in mutant. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: catgttttacaggATGACGTCAATGCATACTTCTGT. Right flanking sequence: TAACGGATGCAAGTTTTGTGACATTGTCAAAAATA. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: TCAATGCATACTTCTGTTAA. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PS9999 C. elegans npp-10(sy2071) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous sterile CRISPR null mutant balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP+, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP sy2071 homozygotes (L2 or early arrested sterile). Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP+ and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. CRISPR/Cas9 engineered STOP-IN null mutant of npp-10. Universal 43bp-long knock-in insertion with 3-frame stop codon (STOP-IN cassette). Left flanking sequence: CAATCAAAACAAAGGATTGTTTGGTCAGCCAGCC. Right flanking sequence: AATAACAGTGGAACTACTGGCCTTTTCGGGGCGGC. Inserted sequence between the two-flanking sequence (STOP-IN cassette): GGGAAGTTTGTCCAGAGCAGAGGTGACTAAGTGATAAgctagc. sgRNA: GTAGTTCCACTGTTATTGGC. Method Reference: Wang H, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2018 Nov 6;8(11):3607-3616.
PT442 C. elegans klp-6(sy511) III; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
Males Lov and response defective. Mislocalizes pkd-2::GFP in cilia. sy511 contains a nonsense mutation in exon 10 (C-T transition = Q706stop).
RAF2181 C. elegans ieSi57 II; daf-2(bch-40[degron::3xFLAG::STOP::SL2::SV40::degron::wrmScarlet::egl-13NLS]) unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Degron tag inserted into endogenous daf-2 locus. ieSi57 is a single-copy transgene insertion into chromosome II (oxTi179) expressing modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in the soma. This strain can be used for auxin-inducible degradation (AID) of target proteins in somatic tissues. Reference: Venz R, et al. Elife. 2021 Sep 10;10:e71335. doi: 10.7554/eLife.71335. PMID: 34505574.
RB1337 C. elegans hlh-26(ok1453) II. Show Description
C17C3.8 Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: ccagttccgcctgtaacatt. Outer Right Sequence: ttgccacgactggatattga. Inner Left Sequence: actcacctctgcaactgcct. Inner Right Sequence: agtgtcacacgctgagatgg. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2179. Deletion Size: 983 bp. Additional information from Casonya Johnson 3/2005: the deletion is 983 bases, from base 2254 to 3237 on the cosmid C17C3. The gene C17C3.8 is on the opposite strand, and its coding region is from bases 3237 to 3616. The deletion occurs within the second exon of the gene, so that the first 105 amino acids of the protein are still made. This region contains one of the two HLH domains produced by this protein but eliminates the second one. The first stop codon would allow another 19 amino acids to be added to the peptide. I have pasted the sequence below (the red, underlined sequences are the new nucleotides). MSSSPTSSSS GSPSSHGHRS ETEKQRRDDT NDLLNEFKKI VQKSESEKLS KEEVLFRIVK LLSGIQLHHE SFSTSPGPIR SIKKIKSDRE QVRRNKRVAA YRELR tiknkhlehvfnffelki stop Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RM3054 C. elegans snt-1(md290) II; mdIs126; mdIs129. Show Description
mdIs126 [snt-1p::snt-1(genomic; B-stop)::CFP]. mdIs129 [snt-1p::snt-1(genomic; A-stop)::YFP]. snt-1 mutation in genome is rescued by 2 integrated transgenes. snt-1(genomic; B-stop) = complete snt-1 genomic region with an in-frame stop codon engineered into exon 6B; also referred to as "snt-1(A only)." snt-1(genomic; A-stop) = complete snt-1 genomic region with an in-frame stop codon engineered into exon 6A; also referred to as "snt-1(B only)." Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2007 Apr;34(4):642-52.
RM3571 C. elegans sup-1(e995 e2636) III. Show Description
Putative null allele; e995 e2636 homozygotes are superficially wild type in appearance, development, and behavior (except for a modest 20-25% decrease in swimming rate), and do not suppress unc-17(e245). e995 corresponds to G84E (gga>>gaa) and e2636 corresponds to W58stop (tgg>>tag). PCR methods for scoring e995 and e2636 mutations in individual worms are presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012. Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2012 Dec;192(4):1315-25.
SD1887 C. elegans unc-62(e644) V; gaIs286. Show Description
gaIs286 [unc-62(7b)::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. A STOP-codon was inserted into exon 7a of unc-62 to generate an UNC-62(7b)-specific reporter. Recombineered fosmid was integrated by biolistic bombardment to produce strain OP602, which wa outcrossed to produce SD1894. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE ( Derived from parental strains BC1282 and SD1894.
SD1888 C. elegans gaIs285. Show Description
gaIs285 [unc-62(7a)::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. A STOP-codon was inserted into exon 7b of unc-62 to generate an UNC-62(7a)-specific reporter. Recombineered fosmid was integrated by biolistic bombardment to produce strain OP601, which wa outcrossed to produce SD1888. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE (
SD1890 C. elegans glo-4(ok623) V; gaIs285. Show Description
gaIs285 [unc-62(7a)::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. A STOP-codon was inserted into exon 7a of unc-62 to generate an UNC-62(7b)-specific reporter. Recombineered fosmid was integrated by biolistic bombardment to produce strain OP602, which was outcrossed to produce SD1894. glo-4(ok623) causes a a partially-penetrant Dpy phenotype. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE ( Derived from parental strains RB811 and SD1888.
SD1894 C. elegans gaIs286. Show Description
gaIs286 [unc-62(7b)::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. A STOP-codon was inserted into exon 7a of unc-62 to generate an UNC-62(7b)-specific reporter. Recombineered fosmid was integrated by biolistic bombardment to produce strain OP602, which wa outcrossed to produce SD1894. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE (
SD1898 C. elegans glo-4(ok623) V; gaIs286. Show Description
gaIs286 [unc-62(7b)::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. A STOP-codon was inserted into exon 7a of unc-62 to generate an UNC-62(7b)-specific reporter. Recombineered fosmid was integrated by biolistic bombardment to produce strain OP602, which wa outcrossed to produce SD1894. glo-4(ok623) causes a a partially-penetrant Dpy phenotype. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE ( Derived from parental strains RB811 and SD1894.
SLP266 C. elegans sel-11(rem5) V. Show Description
Prolonged lethargus sleep duration. rem5 is an early stop mutation, likely null. Reference: Kawano T., et al. Cell Rep. 2023 Mar 28;42(3):112267. PMID: 36924492.
SSM289 C. elegans mre-11(iow45[mre-11::gfp::3xflag]) V. Show Description
Homozygous gfp and 3xflag C’ terminal tag inserting just before the STOP codon of mre-11. The strain is fertile and contains wild type germline (examined by DAPI). GFP is expressed in all germline nuclei. Maintain the strain by picking worms at 20C, no selection required. gfp::3xflag was added by CRISPR/Cas9 using pDD282-based vector. Reference: Reichman R, et al. Genetics. 2018 Apr;208(4):1421-1441.
TB528 C. elegans ceh-14(ch3) X. Show Description
PHA and PHB dye-filling defect. About 50% athermotactic. ch3 deletes exon 3, causes frameshift and premature stop. [NOTE: Miyazaki, et al. (2022) report that this strain carries the fln-2(ot611) mutation in the background.]
TOG1 C. elegans mfsd-6(ogr1) III. Show Description
Slow growth, Slow movement. ogr1 is a 1.2 kb deletion causing a frameshift at residue 54 and premature stop at residue 83. Reference: Ogurusu T, et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Aug 7;463(4):994-8. PMID: 26079877
TV17465 C. elegans dma-1(wy908) I; wyIs592 III. Show Description
wyIs592 [ser-2(prom3)::myr::GFP + odr-1p::RFP] III. dma-1(wy908) is a partial loss of function allele generated by CRISPR/Cas9-induced frame shift with multiple premature stop codons (n=6, 8 bp deletion). Fluorescent PVD- and FLP-specific morphology markers. Reference: Shi R, et al. 2024 bioRxiv doi: PMID: 38766073.
TV28592 C. elegans bmdSi339 I; bmdSi297 II; arx-2(wy1814[arx-2::mIAA7::mNG]) qyIs225 V; lam-2(qy20[lam-2::mNG]) X. Show Description
bmdSi339 [loxN::lin-29p::FLP::p2A::H2B::2xmTurq2] I. bmdSi297 [loxN::rpl-28p::FRT3::STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::T2A::DHB::2xmKate2] II. qyIs225 [cdh-3p::mCherry::moeABD] V. mNG tags inserted into endogenous arx-2 and lam-2 loci. Wild-type growth and movement. Reference: Xiao Y, et al. Genetics. 2023 PMID: 36722258.
TV28593 C. elegans bmdSi339 I; bmdSi297 II; arx-2(wy1815[arx-2::AID::mNG]) qyIs225 V; lam-2(qy20[lam-2::mNG]) X. Show Description
bmdSi339 [loxN::lin-29p::FLP::p2A::H2B::2xmTurq2] I. bmdSi297 [loxN::rpl-28p::FRT3::STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::T2A::DHB::2xmKate2] II. qyIs225 [cdh-3p::mCherry::moeABD] V. AID and mNG tags inserted into endogenous arx-2 locus. mNG tag inserted into endogenous lam-2 locus. Wild-type growth and movement. Reference: Xiao Y, et al. Genetics. 2023 PMID: 36722258.
TX1246 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; teIs113. Show Description
teIs113 [pie-1p::GFP::H2B::zif-13'UTR 771bp + unc-119(+)]. A 771 bp genomic sequence downstream of the zif-1 stop codon (starting immediately after the stop codon) was cloned downstream of pie-1 promoter-driven GFP::H2B in the germline expression vector pID3.01B. Superficially wild-type. Reference: Oldenbroek M, et al. Dev Biol. 2012 Mar 15;363(2):388-98.
TX1377 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; teIs127. Show Description
teIs127 [pie-1p::GFP::H2B::mom-2 3'UTR + unc-119(+)] teIs127 construct includes a 557 bp genomic sequence beginning 100 bp upstream of the mom-2 stop codon was cloned downstream of pie-1 promoter-driven GFP::H2B. Superficially wild-type. Reference: Oldenbroek M, et al. Development. 2013 Nov;140(22):4614-23.
TX174 C. elegans oma-1(zu405te33) IV. Show Description
Dominant suppressor of zu405. Putative oma-1 null. [NOTE (09/2016; D. Greenstein, unpublished results): The two molecular changes in te33 are different than reported by Detwiler et al. (2001), but nonetheless result in a strong loss of oma-1 function. Sequencing of the original isolate of te33 gave the same result (S. Robertson and R. Lin, unpublished results).] This strain carrying oma-1(zu405te33) contains the following mutations: zu405 [C8889984T; P240L] and te33 [C8889978A, S238stop & C8889863T, H200Y].
TX183 C. elegans oma-1(zu405te33)/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] IV; oma-2(te51)/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc and non-Unc steriles (oma-1; oma-2 homozygotes). The Oma animal has an empty uterus and lots of oocytes in the gonad arms. Maintain by picking Uncs. zu405 is a gain-of-function mutation which results in temperature sensitive, embryonic lethality. Loss-of-function mutation in either oma-1 or oma-2 alone does not have a detectable phenotype. te33 is a dominant suppressor of the zu405 embryonic lethality. te51 is a mutation that, in the oma-1(zu405te33) background, gives an Oma (Ooctye Maturation defective) phenotype. [NOTE (09/2016; D. Greenstein, unpublished results): The two molecular changes in te33 are different than reported by Detwiler et al. (2001), but nonetheless result in a strong loss of oma-1 function. Sequencing of the original isolate of te33 gave the same result (S. Robertson and R. Lin, unpublished results).] This strain carrying oma-1(zu405te33) contains the following mutations: zu405 [C8889984T; P240L] and te33 [C8889978A, S238stop & C8889863T, H200Y].
UL2992 C. elegans leEx2992. Show Description
leEx2992 [sir-2.1::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array contains fosmid WRM0630dF01 with mCherry inserted before sir-2.1 STOP codon. Reference: Bamps, S et al. 2009 Mech Aging Devel 130(11-12):762-70.
UL2994 C. elegans leEx2994. Show Description
leEx2994 [sir-2.1::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array contains fosmid WRM0630dF01 with mCherry inserted before sir-2.1 STOP codon. Reference: Bamps, S et al. 2009 Mech Aging Devel 130(11-12):762-70.
UL2996 C. elegans leEx2996. Show Description
leEx2996 [sir-2.1::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array contains fosmid WRM0630dF01 with mCherry inserted before sir-2.1 STOP codon. Reference: Bamps, S et al. 2009 Mech Aging Devel 130(11-12):762-70.
UL3294 C. elegans leEx3294. Show Description
leEx3294 [sir-2.1::mCherry + R11A8.5::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array contains fosmid WRM0630dF01 with mCherry inserted before sir-2.1 STOP codon and R11A8.5 with GFP inserted just before the STOP codon. Reference: Bamps, S et al. 2009 Mech Aging Devel 130(11-12):762-70.
UL3295 C. elegans leEx3295. Show Description
leEx3295 [sir-2.1::mCherry + R11A8.5::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array contains fosmid WRM0630dF01 with mCherry inserted before sir-2.1 STOP codon and R11A8.5 with GFP inserted just before the STOP codon. Reference: Bamps, S et al. 2009 Mech Aging Devel 130(11-12):762-70.
UL3351 C. elegans leEx3351. Show Description
leEx3351 [sir-2.1::mCherry + R11A8.5::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array contains fosmid WRM0630dF01 with mCherry inserted before sir-2.1 STOP codon and R11A8.5 with GFP inserted just before the STOP codon. Reference: Bamps, S et al. 2009 Mech Aging Devel 130(11-12):762-70.
UP2436 C. elegans lpr-1(cs207) I. Show Description
cs207 is an early nonsense allele (Q72stop). Approximately 90% rod-like larval lethal, with 10% normal escapers. Exact percentages are sensitive to temperature and culture conditions.
VC1228 C. elegans klp-11(tm324) IV. Show Description
331 bp deletion. T608 Stop. Flanking sequences: aaaatgagaaaaggaacaactgaattggac taatttttaaacacaaaacttactattgtt. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Reverse Genetics Core Facility at the University of British Columbia, which is part of the international C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807