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RG3453 C. elegans madf-1(ve953[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1324 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: ATTGACAATTGTCTCTTCAAGGCTATTCGA ; Right flanking sequence: TGGATTTAGATTATTTTCAACTTTTTCGGT. madf-1 sgRNA A: ATCGGCTTCTTTTAATTCGG; madf-1 sgRNA B: GAAATTAAATTTTAATCCGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3454 C. elegans B0281.3(ve954[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 800 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TATTCCAAAATGCAAGGCTCACCCGTATAA ; Right flanking sequence: ACCCATATGCAGCTATGAAACAACTGGATG. B0281.3 sgRNA A: TCTGGCTGAATTTTTCTGTG; B0281.3 sgRNA B: CTGACTCCCCACTACTCCTG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3456 C. elegans ncs-7(ve956[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4799 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: CGAGAGCTTGAGGTGGTCCCGCCGCCGCCC ; Right flanking sequence: TGGGCTTGAAATGGGCAATTCGGAATTCCA. ncs-7 sgRNA A: GATGCCCATGTCATAGTCGG; ncs-7 sgRNA B: CTTTGTTGTGTGTACTGGGT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3457 C. elegans F37A8.5(ve957[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 852 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: ACACAGTATAATATAATCTATTTTCCACCC ; Right flanking sequence: AGGGGAAATTTATTATCGAGCTGGCACATA. F37A8.5 crRNA A: AAAGGAGAAGCACAAGGAGG; F37A8.5 crRNA B: ATCGAGTCAAAAGTATAAGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3458 C. elegans C16D9.6(ve958[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1372 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TTGAATTTGACCCAATCAATGCCAGCTTTT ; Right flanking sequence: TGGCTCTAGGTGAATTATTTCTAGTCAGGA. C16D9.6 sgRNA A: GTTTGATGGAATGTATCCGA; C16D9.6 sgRNA B: ACATACAAACCTGTCATACG. Please referencAu et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3459 C. elegans gln-3(ve959[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2417 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: GCGGTCTCGTGGAGTCCGGTCAAACGACGC ; Right flanking sequence: ACCTGCTTGTCGGTGGCGAATTGACTGCGG. gln-3 sgRNA A: TCGTTGTCTTTTCCACCGTG; gln-3 sgRNA B: CCTGCAAAAGTTCCTGAACT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3460 C. elegans B0281.8(ve960[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1112 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: CAGTCATATTTTTTTGCTTCTCTATCGCCT ; Right flanking sequence: TCGCAGATTTCGCATTTTGGCACTTGCATT. B0281.8 sgRNA A: GAGACATGTTAAAGATATTG; B0281.8 sgRNA B: TGATGACTTCTCAAGTGAGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3461 C. elegans pfk-1.1(ve961[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4271 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TAAATACTATTGTCATAAATTACAGAATTT ; Right flanking sequence: CGACCGTTGAAAGTTCTGCAATTTTGGAAT. pfk-1.1 crRNA A: TGCATAATTCGAAATGGACG; pfk-1.1 crRNA B: AACGATGACGAGCGAGAACA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3463 C. elegans F40G9.12(ve963[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 511 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: ACTTTATGTATTGCGAGTGCAGAAATAATA ; Right flanking sequence: TGAGGATTGTAAGGAGCACGAGTGTAAAGC. F40G9.12 sgRNA A: TATTTCAACGAACACGGAGA; F40G9.12 sgRNA B: CAGACACTTTTACCACAGGA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3464 C. elegans enpp-1(ve964[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4885 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: ttttaaaattcttctaatatttgctagccg ; Right flanking sequence: tatcgggtcattcaatctttgcaggatttc. enpp-1 sgRNA A: acggtgagaacgatagagaa; enpp-1 sgRNA B: tgaaacaagtggagtgaggt. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3465 C. elegans col-14(ve965[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1019 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TTATATTCAAACTTTGGAATCTCAAGTTCA ; Right flanking sequence: aggataattttgatttgtatacttacgttt. Note that col-14 resides in the 6th intron of C46A5.4 and it is not known whether this indel alters its expression. col-14 sgRNA A: ACTTGATCTTGAATTCTGCC; col-14 sgRNA B: tgtttgtatcgaaaatctgt. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3466 C. elegans cpr-4(ve966[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1682 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: AAATGATGGTGCTGCGTCACATGACTACCT ; Right flanking sequence: CATTGCAAAAAATGAAAGCCCCCAATTTTT. cpr-4 crRNA A: ATAGACAATGCCTAATTAGG; cpr-4 crRNA B: AAATGATATTACCCGGAGAC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3467 C. elegans zipt-1(ve967[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1175 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: AATACACAGGTCTATGGCGAGCTGGAACCC ; Right flanking sequence: GAGAATATGGCTCCGCGCCCATTCTCCTTT. zipt-1 crRNA A: TTCTTGTACTTTCTCATCCC; zipt-1 crRNA B: TCGTTCATCTCGTGCATCGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3468 C. elegans C34H4.5(ve968[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1781 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: AAAAGCTAATGGGTTTCTGGATGATTAGCC ; Right flanking sequence: CGGGCGATCTTGATGAAGGTCAACTTTCGA. C34H4.5 sgRNA A: GTGAACAATATGCAAAGCTC; C34H4.5 sgRNA B: aaaaGCGAAATTTATCGAGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3469 C. elegans C31H5.6(ve969[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 3336 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: GGTTTTAATGGTGCATTAACAATGAAAAGA ; Right flanking sequence: tggtttttttataaacatttgtcacagtta. C31H5.6 crRNA A: CGAGTCCAATCAGGCATTGG; C31H5.6 crRNA B: aattcattgtaaggctaggg. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3470 C. elegans hap-1(ve970[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 963 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: tatatttgatattattcgaacgcgaaattt ; Right flanking sequence: tggattttaaccttcctacaaaagaatatt. hap-1 sgRNA A: tgcgccaaaagtacgatgcc; hap-1 sgRNA B: tatgagaaaagagtaatttc. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3471 C. elegans cls-3(ve971[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4049 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TTCTCAAACAATCTTCCACAGCAAGAGCCG ; Right flanking sequence: TCCCGGCCACAAATTTTGGCGGGAAATTCA. cls-3 crRNA A: AAATACGAACGACGCAACAA; cls-3 crRNA B: AAAACGACACCTCTCAGCCA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3473 C. elegans cls-1(ve973[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 7096 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TCTATAAATGTATGACTCACACTTTTTCCG ; Right flanking sequence: TGGGCCGCGCCAAGTCATCCGAATCAGGAG. cls-1 crRNA A: AGAGAAAACCCCCGTTGTTT; cls-1 crRNA B: GAACCTAATTGACCTGTACG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3474 C. elegans nhr-172(ve974[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1250 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TTCCTGTGAAGCATGTAAAATGTTCTTCCG ; Right flanking sequence: GGGTTTCGCGCTAAAACTCTTGTTTCCGAT. nhr-172 sgRNA A: GGTTTTCGACTATTGCTCGA; nhr-172 sgRNA B: TGTTACAAACTTTTGTCCCC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG5060 C. elegans ZK622.4(hd7010[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/mIn1[dpy-10(e128) umnIs43] II. Show Description
umnIs43 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, II: 11755713 (intergenic)] II. Pick wild-type GFP+ and mKate2+ animals to maintain. Apparent homozygous lethal deletion balanced over mIn1. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, arrested GFP+ non-mKate2 (hd7010 homozygotes), and Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (mIn1 homozygotes). Derived from parental strains VH7029 and CGC53. hd7010 is a 180 bp deletion with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking sequence: ATGGATCCATGTTTCATAAAGGATGTTTTA; Right flanking sequence: ATCAAATCTTCTTTTCTCGCCAAAAACGAA. sgRNA #1: AATGTTGGATTTGCGGAACC; sgRNA #2: CGATGTGGAATTGGATCATG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RHS41 C. elegans uthSi7 IV. Show Description
uthSi7 [myo-3p::LifeAct::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR, Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Single-copy insertion of LifeAct::mRuby labels F-actin in body wall muscle cells. Out-crossed to N2. Reference: Higuchi-Sanabria R, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2018 Oct 15;29(21):2522-2527. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0362. PMID: 30133343
RHS42 C. elegans uthSi10 IV. Show Description
uthSi10 [col-19p::LifeAct::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Integrated into cxTi10816. Single-copy insertion of LifeAct::mRuby labels F-actin in hypodermis beginning at late L4 stage. Out-crossed to N2. Reference: Higuchi-Sanabria R, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2018 Oct 15;29(21):2522-2527. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0362. PMID: 30133343
RHS43 C. elegans uthSi13 IV. Show Description
uthSi13 [gly-19p::LifeAct::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Integrated into cxTi10816. Single-copy insertion of LifeAct::mRuby labels F-actin in intestinal cells. Out-crossed to N2. Reference: Higuchi-Sanabria R, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2018 Oct 15;29(21):2522-2527. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0362. PMID: 30133343
RP3498 C elegans trEx1001. Show Description
trEx1001 [idpb-3p::idpb-3::mNeonGreen + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick animals with mCherry+ pharynx to maintain. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Kamal M, et al. bioRxiv 2022.03.11.483951; doi:
RP3510 C elegans trEx1010. Show Description
trEx1010 [pgp-14p::sms-5B(genomic)::Flag::mCherry + pgp-14p::YFP::pgp-14]. Pick animals with mCherry+ pharynx to maintain. Fluorescence is more apparent in older animals (late stage larvae to young adults). Generated in N2 background. Reference: Kamal M, et al. bioRxiv 2022.03.11.483951; doi:
RP3513 C elegans trEx1006. Show Description
trEx1006 [fipr-4p::fipr-4::mNeonGreen + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick animals with mCherry+ pharynx to maintain. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Kamal M, et al. bioRxiv 2022.03.11.483951; doi:
RP3515 C elegans trEx1008. Show Description
trEx1008 [idpa-3p::idpa-3::mNeonGreen + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick animals with mCherry+ pharynx to maintain. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Kamal M, et al. bioRxiv 2022.03.11.483951; doi:
SF1 C. elegans odc-1(pc13::Tc1) V. Show Description
Made by PCR screen of Tc1 transposon insertion library. odc-1(pc13::Tc1) has a partial deletion of the Tc1 element. Phenotypically it has 35% reduction in brood size compared to the WT N2 Bristol strain.
SP1377 C. elegans dpy-11(e224) V; lin-2(e1309) unc-7(mn384) xol-1(mn467) X. Show Description
Animals are DpyUncVul. Can mate at low frequency. N2 males X SP1377 fail to give male progeny. Weak unc-7 allele when not in lin-2 background.
SP432 C. elegans unc-4(e120) ooc-3(mn241)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Show Description
Hets are WT and segregate WT, paralysed DpyUnc and Sterile Unc-4's. ooc-3 homozygotes lay fertilized eggs that do not hatch. Oocytes not rescuable by fertilization with N2 sperm.
SP433 C. elegans unc-4(e120) ooc-1(mn250)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Show Description
Hets are WT and segregate WT, paralysed DpyUnc and Sterile Unc-4's. ooc-1 homozygotes lay fertilized eggs that do not hatch. Oocytes are not rescuable by fertilization with N2 sperm.
SP445 C. elegans ooc-2(mn249) unc-4(e120)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Show Description
Hets are WT and segregate WT, paralysed DpyUnc and Sterile Unc-4's. ooc-2 homozygotes lay fertilized eggs that do not hatch. Oocytes not rescuable by fertilization with N2 sperm.
SS104 C. elegans glp-4(bn2) I. Show Description
Temperature sensitive defect in germ-line proliferation during larval development. Defect can be reversed by shifting worms from restrictive (25C) to permissive temperature (16C). Germ-line proliferation defect at restrictive temperature may be due to arrest in mitotic prophase. This strain is very useful for producing large populations of worms that essentially lack a germ line.
SSM343 C. elegans rpa-4(iow21) I. Show Description
rpa-4(iow21) deletion generated by CRISPR in N2 background. Reference: Hefel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 21;gkaa1293. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1293.
SSM387 C. elegans rpa-2(iow49[3xFLAG::rpa-2]) I. Show Description
N-terminal 3xFLAG tag inserted into the endogenous rpa-2 locus using Crispr/Cas9. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Hefel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 21;gkaa1293. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1293.
SSM476 C. elegans rpa-1(iow92[OLLAS::rpa-1]) II. Show Description
N-terminal OLLAS tag inserted into the endogenous rpa-1 locus using Crispr/Cas9. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Hefel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 21;gkaa1293. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1293.
SSM596 C. elegans rpa-1(iow117)/mIn1[mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
Crispr/Cas9-engineered indel in the 5’ region of rpa-1. Larval-lethal mutation balanced by GFP- and dpy-10-marked inversion. Heterozygotes are wild-type with relatively dim pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT dim GFP, Dpy bright GFP (mIn1 homozygotes), and non-GFP iow117 homozygotes (larval lethal). Pick wild-type dim GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. iow117 was generated in mre-11::GFP background and outcrossed to N2. Reference: Hefel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 21;gkaa1293. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1293.
SV1005 C. elegans bmk-1(ok391) V. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Derived by outcrossing RB820 eight times to N2. Reference: Maia, A.F. et al. 2015 Sci Data 2:150020.
SV2061 C. elegans he314[pie-1p::GLO-ePDZ::mCherry::smu-1::tbb-2 3'UTR] II; e259[eft-3p::PH::eGFP::LOV::tbb-2 3'UTR]) IV. Show Description
he314[pie-1p::GLO-ePDZ::mCherry::smu-1::tbb-2 3'UTR] II. e259[eft-3p::PH::eGFP::LOV::tbb-2 3'UTR]) IV. Superficially wild-type. CRISPR/Cas9 was used to create insertion alleles he314 and he259 insertions into N2 background at sites of known MosSCI insertions ttTi5605 and cxTi10816, respectively. ePDZ–LOV system transgenes allow use of blue light to control protein heterodimerization, in this case, membrane recruitment of ePDZ-tagged proteins of interest. Germline-optimized cytosolic ePDZ::mCherry-tagged SMU-1 (GLO-ePDZ::mCherry::SMU-1), and membrane-bound LOV2 domain fused to a pleckstrin-homology domain (PH::eGFP::LOV). GLO-ePDZ::mCherry is a germline-optimized variant coded to be less prone to silencing in the germline. Reference: Fielmich LE, et al. eLife 2018 Aug 15;7:e38198. doi: 10.7554/eLife.38198.
SV85 C. elegans cdk-1(he25)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III. Show Description
he25 is temperature sensitive. At 25C: Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpySteriles (qC1 homozygotes) and Sterile Uncs which have a head region that is broader than the tail region and have no postembryonic cell divisions. At 15C: Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpy Steriles (qC1 homozygotes) and cdk-1 homozygotes which are slightly smaller than WT, complete nearly all cell divisions, are sterile and have less germ cells than N2 (sperm are present but no oocytes). Previously called ncc-1(he25).
SWF409 C. elegans lgc-50(syb3560[lgc-50::T2A::mNeonGreen]) III. Show Description
Endogenous lgc-50 locus tagged with mNeonGreen. Inclusion of the T2A self-cleaving peptide allows mNeonGreen406 to be expressed as a cytosolic protein. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Dag U, et al. bioRxiv 2023.01.15.524132; doi:
SWF5 C. elegans flvEx4. Show Description
flvEx4 [rig-3p::wArchon1::GFP + sra-6::ChR2-GFP + elt-2p::nGFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Voltage-sensor protein wArchon1 transgene injected into N2 background. Reference: Piatkevich KD, et al. Nature Chemical Biology. 2018. doi:10.1038/s41589-018-0004-9.
TB1 C. elegans ceh-6(mg60)/dpy-5(e61) unc-29(e1072) I. Show Description
ceh-6(mg60) is lethal. Maintain by picking WT and check that it throws 1/4 Dpys. mg60 is a 1.3 kb deletion that removes part of the conserved POU-specific domain. PCR with primers PCR6-5 GAA-TTC-ATG-AAA-TCG-GAG-GCG-T (->) and PCR6-3 GTG-AGA-AGT-GAA-GAG-GAT-TGT-A (<-) yields a band of about 1.6 kb instead of 280 bp as in N2. Backcrossed more than 10 times; in addition, the left arm of LG I was recombined with lin-28 to remove the mutator locus.
TJ119 C. elegans Show Description
Mean lifespan 12.3 days. Carries Ts of BergBO. Carries Daf+ of N2. Males fertile. One of the shortest lived strains. No fertility at 25C.
TJ135 C. elegans Show Description
Life span typically abut 20 days. Ts+ allele of N2. Daf allele of BergBO. Not male fertile.
TJ142 C. elegans Show Description
Life span typically about 25 days. Carries Ts+ locus of N2. Carries Daf locus of BergBO. Males fertile.
TJ143 C. elegans Show Description
Typical life span about 33 days. Carries Ts+ locus of N2 and Daf locus of BergBO. Males fertile.
TJ401 C. elegans age-1(hx546) rrf-3(b26) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive sperm defect, grow at 15C. Long life (1.7X N2 is typical). Low brood size (15% of N2 is typical).
TJ412 C. elegans age-1(hx542) rrf-3(b26) II. Show Description
Long life (1.7X greater than N2). Low brood size (10% of N2). Temperature sensitive sperm defect; grow at 15C. WT.
TK93 C. elegans mev-2(kn2) X. Show Description
Methyviologen (paraquat) hypersensitive.