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CB502 C. elegans sma-2(e502) III. Show Description
Small. Recessive. Male spicules abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. Synthetic lethal common.
CB5035 C. elegans tra-1(e1575 e1816 e1834) III; eDp25[tra-1(e1575 e1816)] (III; f). Show Description
Male/female strain, propagate by crossing. XX females and tra-1 XX males. Low fertility. Fertile females and fertile males; male-biased sex ratio. Strain with sex determined by a feminizing fragment chromosome (LGIIIR); unusual sex ratio. Reference: Strain 15 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5133 C. elegans tra-1(e1732) III; eDp25[tra-1(e1575 e1816)] (III; f). Show Description
Male/female strain, propagated by crossing. eDp25 carries tra-1 gain-of-function allele. Anatomically normal XX females, tra-1(e1732) XO males, and intersexual tra-1(e1732) XX and e1732; eDp25 XO. References: Hodgkin (1987) PMID: 3428597. Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB518 C. elegans bli-5(e518) III. Show Description
Blistered cuticle. Small. Bursae abnormal. Males abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB5190 C. elegans tra-2(e2020) II; tra-1(e1099)/+ III; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Heterozygous. Maintain by picking fertile hermaphrodites. Stable XX male/female strain (fertile XX females and low fertility XX males); males sire only female progeny. Reference: Strain 3 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5200 C. elegans smg-2(e2008) I; tra-1(e2272) III. Show Description
Self-fertile hermaprodite or female. Protruding vulva. tra-1(e2272) XX homozygotes are sterile with abnormal gonads; e2272 mutation is partly suppressed by NMD (smg-2(e2008)), hence double mutants are fertile. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB5203 C. elegans plg-1(e2001) III. Show Description
Hermaphrodites are WT. Males form copulatory plug when mating. Weaker than CB3855 males.
CB5265 C. elegans sup-1(e995e2636) III; unc-17(e245) IV; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Severely uncoordinated coiler, slow growing. Useful strain for selecting non-Sup-1 suppressors of unc-17(e245). Reference: Mathews et al. (2012) PMID: 23051648.
CB5330 C. elegans vab-12(dx25) III; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
Vab XX hermaphrodites and XO males, viable at all temperatures. Adult hermaphrodite tail spike is invariably shortened and/or vacuolated, often also abnormal in larvae. Possible excretory cell abnormalities. Rays of adult male tail variably abnormal, other structures normal; males can mate.
CB5348 C. elegans mrt-2(e2663) III. Show Description
Unable to propagate indefinitely: lines become sterile from F10-F28, with short telomeres and fused chromosomes. Hypersensitive to X-irradiation; weak Him phenotype; strong Him phenotype in later generations resulting from X-A fusions. Cross once or twice, freeze down many F2 mrt-2 plates, and go back to these plates every two months for fresh a mrt-2 line. A BstN1 RFLP makes the mrt-2 mutation easy to track.
CB541 C. elegans unc-71(e541) III. Show Description
Unc. Recessive. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB5584 C. elegans mIs12 II. Show Description
mIs12 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP + F22B7.9p::GFP] II. Hermaphrodites expressing compound GFP reporter (see PD4790). Strong pharyngeal muscle expression, easily scored by GFP dissecting scope. mIs12 is tightly linked to unc-4 II, and not to LG III or IV as previously reported. mIs12 homozygous males mate well (ME3).
CB5664 C. elegans dpy-31(e2770) III; sqt-3(e2809) V. Show Description
Dumpy (partially-suppressed Dpy-31). Sqt-3 mediated suppression of dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2004) PMID: 15579684.
CB587 C. elegans unc-69(e587) III. Show Description
Unc. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB6038 C. elegans tax-4(e2861) III. Show Description
Chemotaxis-defective; partly resistant to bacterial infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (Bus phenotype) and Leucobacter Verde2; abnormal surface. Reference: Yook & Hodgkin (2007) PMID: 17151260.
CB6121 C. elegans eT5 (X; III); fog-2(q71) V females and eT5 (X; III) / eT1(III; V); fog-2 / eT1 (fog-2 V; III) males Show Description
Male/female strain, propagate by crossing. Females are eT5 (III;X); fog-2(q71) V. Males are eT5 (III;X) / eT1(III;V); fog-2 / eT1 (fog-2 III;V). Strain with multichromosomal sex determination. Reference: Strain 21 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB6129 C. elegans dpy-27(rh18) III; fem-1(hc17) IV. [4A;3X] Show Description
Temperature-sensitive: Maintain at 15C. Stable, temperature-sensitive tetraploid strain: fertile 4A;3X hermaphrodites and 4A;2X males at 15C; fertile 4A;3X females and feminized sterile 4A;2X males at 25C. Reference: Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB6144 C. elegans dpy-31(e2770) III; eEx512. Show Description
eEx512 [dpy-31(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Lethal dpy-31 mutant rescued by array containing dpy-31(+) 6.5 kb fragment. Reference: Novelli et al. (2004) PMID: 15579684.
CB6233 C. elegans dpy-17(e2898) dpy-31(e2770) III. Show Description
Viable dumpy. Suppressor allele of dpy-17: lethality of dpy-31(e2770) suppressed by e2898. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6234 C. elegans dpy-17(e2899) dpy-31(e2770) III. Show Description
Weak dumpy. Lethal dpy-31 mutation suppressed by dpy-17 mutation. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6335 C. elegans dpy-31(e2919) III; sqt-3(e2906) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable dpy. dpy-31(e2919) homozygotes are almost inviable, but lethality is efficiently suppressed by sqt-3(e2906). Reference: Novelli J, et al., Genetics. 2004 Nov;168(3):1259-73.
CB6347 C. elegans dpy-18(e364) III; hif-1(ia4) V. Show Description
CB6453 C. elegans dpy-31(e2770) unc-119(ed3) III; eIs101. Show Description
eIs101 [dpy-17(E301K) + unc-119(+)]. Weakly dumpy, non-Unc. dpy-31 lethality suppressed by integrated dpy-17(gf) transgene. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6689 C. elegans nit-1(tm1190) III. Show Description
No obvious phenotype, wildtype pathogen resistance. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6710 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; eEx650. Show Description
eEx650 [ilys-3p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. Transcriptional reporter transgene for ilys-3. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6712 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; eEx652. Show Description
eEx652 [ilys-1p::DsRed2 + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-1Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6740 C. elegans bus-20(e2990) III; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
Anatomically normal hermaphrodites and males; Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum); weakly resistant to Leucobacter Verde2; insensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: J Hodgkin (unpublished).
CB6746 C. elegans mif-1(ok2009) III. Show Description
No obvious phenotype, normal sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Derived from RB1633; further out-crossed into wild-type background. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6785 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; eEx650. Show Description
eEx650 [ilys-4p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-4. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6786 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; eEx671. Show Description
eEx671 [ilys-5p::GFP; unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-5. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6881 C. elegans bus-22(e2798) III. Show Description
Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB697 C. elegans vab-6(e697) III. Show Description
Notched head. Roller. Variably DpyRoller. Tail abnormalities. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB7171 C. elegans tra-1(e1099) subs-4(e3026) III; eDp6 (III;f). Show Description
Pick wild-type to maintain. Wild-type hermaphrodites segregate wild-type and dead masculinized embryos. e3026 is nonsense mutation in essential gene Y47D3B.1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7212 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; eEx781. Show Description
eEx781 [ilys-6p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-6. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7248 C.elegans dpy-18(e499)/subs-4(e3026) III; wIs78 IV. Show Description
wIs78 [SCMp::GFP + ajm-1p::GFP + F58E10 (cosmid) + unc-119(+)] IV. Heterozygous strain. Wild-type hermaphrodites segregating wild-type, Dpy-18, and dead eggs (subs-4 homozygotes). Pick wild-type to maintain. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al (in preparation).
CB7272 C. elegans ccIs4251 I; mIs12 II; dpy-17(e164) III; frIs7 IV; uIs69 V. Show Description
ccIs4251 [(pSAK2) myo-3p::GFP::LacZ::NLS + (pSAK4) myo-3p::mitochondrial GFP + dpy-20(+)] I. mIs12 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP + F22B7.9p::GFP] II. frIs7 [nlp-29p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. uIs69 [pCFJ90(myo-2p::mCherry) + unc-119p::sid-1] V. Mapping strain. This strain is homozygous for integrated fluorescence markers on LG I, II, IV and V, all of which are easily and independently scored using a fluorescent dissecting microscope, plus an easily scored visible marker (dpy-17) for LGIII. The good markers on all five autosomes facilitate linkage assignment of unmapped mutations, and enable rapid replacement of chromosomes when outcrossing heavily mutagenized strains such as those from the Million Mutation Project.
CB7401 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; bah-2(gk487599) IV; eEx835. Show Description
eEx835 [bah-2(+) + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. bah-2(gk487599) rescued by transgene. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7422 C. elegans bus-22(e3108) subs-4(e3048) III. Show Description
Viable, small, slow-growing, bleach-sensitive, resistant to Leucobacter Verde1 and Leucobacter Verde2. Lethality of subs-4(e3048) suppressed by bus-22(e3108) mutation. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7471 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; bus-8A(lj22) X; eEx861. Show Description
eEx861 [bus-8(U1,2)::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. bus-8 exon U1 mutation rescued by small U1,2 transgene. lj22 is a missense mutation (R32C) in bus-8A and might also affect bus-8B (out-of-frame 5'exon U1). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB873 C. elegans eT1 (III;V). Show Description
M-MATING+POOR <1%WT. Recessive. Poor movement forward and backward. Unc-36 phenotype. Dead eggs.
CE1494 C. elegans +/hT2 [dpy-18(h662)] I; pen-2(ep220)/hT2 [bli-4(e937)] III. Show Description
Heterozgyotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpys, and Ste or Mel. Pick wild-type individuals and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. bli-4 is suppressed by dpy-1 in hT2 homozygotes-only see a very few DpyBli.This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. ep220 is likely Mel. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CE541 C. elegans sbp-1(ep79) III. Show Description
Slow growth, low fat stores. Viable at 15C, not at 25C. Slightly Dpy, reduced brood size, low penetrance. Maintain under normal conditions. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects. Reference: Liang et al., (2010) PlosOne 5:3 e9869.
CE548 C. elegans sbp-1(ep79) III; epEx141. Show Description
epEx141 [sbp-1::GFP::SBP-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. ep79 is a strong allele of sbp-1 (ts lethal). sbp-1 aka pin-1. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CE833 C. elegans sbp-1(ep176) III. Show Description
Weak sbp-1 allele. sbp-1 aka pin-1. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects. NOTE: This strain carries an unknown GFP marker.
CER123 C. elegans ham-3(he159) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I; III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT, GFP+ in the pharynx and segregate WT (GFP+ in the pharynx), dead eggs (homozygotes for hT2) and ham-3(he159) homozygotes, which are Sma, Egl, Adl, Pvl. Maintain by picking GFP+ worms and checking for correct segregation, since the hT2 balancer is lost at low frequencies. he159 allele was isolated by John Satterlee from a deletion library at Sander van den Heuvel's lab. Reference: Ertl I, et al. Genetics. 2016 Mar;202(3):961-75.
CER162 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cerIs7. Show Description
cerIs7 [lsm-1::GFP(fosmid) + unc-119(+)]. cerIs7 rescues all the temperature-sensitive phenotypes of lsm-1(tm3585). Reporter contains full-length lsm-1 tagged with GFP. GFP was inserted into a fosmid containing lsm-1. GFP is expressed diffusely in the cytoplasm of somatic cells. Under heat shock conditions, GFP accumulates forming cytoplasmic foci. Reference: Cornes E, et al. RNA. 2015 Sep;21(9):1544-53.
CER240 C. elegans prp-8(cer22[R2303G]) III. Show Description
Partial loss of function allele. prp-8(cer22[R2303G]) point mutation mimics a mutation identified in a Retinitis Pigmentosa patient. Slow growth (Gro). Reference: Kukhtar D, et al. Hum Mol Genet. 2020 Mar 27;29(5):756-765. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddz315. PMID: 31919495
CER41 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cerIs2. Show Description
cerIs2 [lsm-4p::lsm-4::GFP::lsm-4 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Reporter contains full-length lsm-4 tagged with GFP. GFP was inserted into a fosmid containing lsm-4. Ubiquitous nuclear GFP expression in somatic and germ cells under normal growth conditions. Cytoplasmic GFP accumulation after exposure to heat-shock. Reference: Cornes E, et al. RNA. 2015 Sep;21(9):1544-53.
CER444 C. elegans sftb-1(cer114[mCherry::sftb-1]) III. Show Description
Endogenous sftb-1 reporter generated by CRISPR/Cas9 using the Nested CRISPR protocol (Vicencio et al., 2019 Genetics). mCherry was amplified from pJJR83 plasmid and inserted at the 5' end of the sftb-1 gene. External primers used for genotyping: (For: AGCTATCGAAGTTTAGGATGTTGTT) (Rev: CGGTTCCAATCGAGTCTAGGTA) Reference: Serrat X, et al. PLoS Genet. 2019 Oct 21;15(10):e1008464.
CER529 C. elegans sftb-1(cer144) III. Show Description
Dose-dependent sensitivity (developmental arrest) to pladienolide B and herboxidiene (modulators of pre-mRNA splicing). sftb-1(cer144[S1090A, A1095T, I1096V, F1101Y]) contains four missense mutations reproducing the HEAT repeat 15 of the human SF3B1 protein. Ten silent mutations increase primer specificity for PCR genotyping. Primers used for genotyping: (WT For: GAGCTGCAATTAATACATTTGGATTT) (WT Rev: AAACTCGCATTCCTTCACAT) (cer144 For: GGTACTATTCTGTGGCGTCT) (cer144 Rev: GTAACCGAAAGTGTTCACAGTT) Reference: Serrat X, et al. PLoS Genet. 2019 Oct 21;15(10):e1008464.