AH346 |
C. elegans |
dep-1(zh34) unc-4(e120) II; lip-1(zh15) IV. Show Description
Pvl and weak Muv. Transformation of secondary to primary vulval cell fates.
LP705 |
C elegans |
dsh-1(cp375[dsh-1DIX::mNG-C1^3xFlag::PDZ,DEP]) II. Show Description
FP knock-in. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. 2017 Genetics. In press.
RB1536 |
C. elegans |
dep-1(ok1844) II. Show Description
F44G4.8 Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: ctccatgaattgaggggttg. Outer Right Sequence: aatttcgacaatgacgctcc. Inner Left Sequence: ggagtcacggaagagatgga. Inner Right Sequence: tcgaacaaagaaagcgaggt. Inner Primer PCR Length: 3098. Estimated Deletion Size: about 600 bp. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
TH112 |
C. elegans |
let-99(dd17) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
let-99(dd17) contains a 647bp deletion with the flanking sequences aatttttaggaagtttccagaaatttttcc / CAAGGCTCCCACGAAGATTATCGCGATCTA. The deletion removes the N terminus of the open reading frame including the start codon and the DEP domain. Heterozygotes are GFP+ in the pharynx. dd17 is a maternal effect lethal mutation.
TH113 |
C. elegans |
let-99(dd18) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
let-99(dd18) contains a 1039bp deletion with the flanking sequences TTTGGATGAGTTGAAGCATCCCAAGCCCCG / ATGAATGCTCTCTTATTGTTAATCTCCTCT. The deletion starts behind the DEP domain. Heterozygotes are GFP+ in the pharynx. dd18 is a maternal effect lethal mutation.
AFS205 |
C. elegans |
zen-4(cle5) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive embryonic-lethal mutant. Maintain at 15C. Shift L4s to 25C overnight to observe mutant phenotype of embryos produced by adults. Mutants lack a central spindle during early embryonic mitosis and exhibits a late cytokinesis defect (cleavage furrows regress after ingressing in nearly to the center of dividing embryonic cells). This strain can be used for CRISPR-Cas9 co-conversion. There is a causal mis-sense mutation present in zen-4(cle5), GAC to AAC (D520N), and one silent mutation, GCA to GCT at codon 519, that introduces an AluI site for RFLP analysis. A previous deposited version of this strain, zen-4(ok153), possessed two mis-sense mutations: GAC to AAC (D520N) and GAT to AAT (D735N). Reference: Farboud B, et al. Genetics Early online November 30, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.301775.
AML597 |
C. elegans |
lgc-47(sy1501) X? wtfIs46. Show Description
wtfIs46 [mec-4p::Chrimson::SL2::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. Expression of activating opsin molecule Chrimson in six gentle-touch mechanosensory neurons (ALML/R, AVM, PLML/R, PVM). Reference: Kumar S, et al. An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2024.03.21.586204; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586204. PMID: 38585821.
AML614 |
C. elegans |
lgc-47(sy1501) X? wtfIs46; wtfEx535. Show Description
wtfIs46 [mec-4p::Chrimson::SL2::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. wtfEx535 [tdc-1p::AI::lgc-
47::SL2::his-24::tagRFP + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain. Expression of activating opsin molecule Chrimson in six gentle-touch mechanosensory neurons (ALML/R, AVM, PLML/R, PVM). Rescuing LGC-47 expression in RIML/R neurons. Reporter construct contains an artificial intron (AI). Reference: Kumar S, et al. An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2024.03.21.586204; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586204. PMID: 38585821.
AML617 |
C. elegans |
lgc-47(sy1501) X? wtfIs46; wtfEx538. Show Description
wtfIs46 [mec-4p::Chrimson::SL2::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. wtfEx538 [npr-9p::AI::lgc-47::SL2::tagBFP + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain. Expression of activating opsin molecule Chrimson in six gentle-touch mechanosensory neurons (ALML/R, AVM, PLML/R, PVM). Rescuing LGC-47 expression in AIB neuron. Reporter construct contains an artificial intron (AI). Reference: Kumar S, et al. An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2024.03.21.586204; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586204. PMID: 38585821.
AML618 |
C. elegans |
lgc-47(sy1501) X? wtfIs46; wtfEx539. Show Description
wtfIs46 [mec-4p::Chrimson::SL2::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. wtfEx539 [rig-3p::AI::lgc-47::SL2::GFP + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain. Expression of activating opsin molecule Chrimson in six gentle-touch mechanosensory neurons (ALML/R, AVM, PLML/R, PVM). Rescuing LGC-47 expression in AVA neuron. Reporter construct contains an artificial intron (AI). Reference: Kumar S, et al. An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2024.03.21.586204; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586204. PMID: 38585821.
AML622 |
C. elegans |
lgc-47(sy1501) X? wtfIs46; wtfEx543. Show Description
wtfIs46 [mec-4p::Chrimson::SL2::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. wtfEx543 [tdc-1p::AI::lgc-47::SL2::his-24::tagRFP + npr-9p::AI::lgc-47::SL2::tagBFP + rig-3p::AI::lgc-47::SL2::GFP + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain. Expression of activating opsin molecule Chrimson in six gentle-touch mechanosensory neurons (ALML/R, AVM, PLML/R, PVM). Rescuing LGC-47 expression in AIB, AVA,
and RIM neurons. Reporter construct contains an artificial intron (AI). Reference: Kumar S, et al. An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2024.03.21.586204; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586204. PMID: 38585821.
AML627 |
C. elegans |
acc-1 (tm3268) IV? wtfIs46. Show Description
wtfIs46 [mec-4p::Chrimson::SL2::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. Expression of activating opsin molecule Chrimson in six gentle-touch mechanosensory neurons (ALML/R, AVM, PLML/R, PVM). Reference: Kumar S, et al. An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2024.03.21.586204; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586204. PMID: 38585821.
AMP100 |
C. elegans |
ieSi57 II; rpb-2(cer135[rpb-2::GFP(delta)piRNA::AID::3xFLAG]) III. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. cer135 is a rpb-2::GFP(delta)piRNA::AID::3xFLAG tag inserted into the endogenous rpb-2 locus. This strain allows auxin-dependent disruption of RNA polymerase II with dose-dependent lifespan shortening. Reference: Oswal N, et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2022 Sep 30;18(9):e1010415. PMID: 36178967.
AV477 |
C. elegans |
dsb-2(me96) II. Show Description
Age-dependent defect in meiotic double-strand break formation. Homozygous mutants produce elevated frequency of males and dead embryos resulting from defects in meiotic chromosome segregation. The frequency of both males and dead embryos increases in later broods. Reference: Rosu S, et al. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(8):e1003674.
BN147 |
C. elegans |
emr-1(gk119) I; bqSi142 II. Show Description
bqSi142 [emr-1p::emr-1::mCherry + unc-119(+)] II. Might contain unc-119(ed3) in the background. Single-copy emr-1::mCherry transgene under control of emr-1 regulatory sequences. emr-1(gk119) embryos arrest when lem-2 is depleted by RNAi; bqSi142 fully rescues this phenotype. Reference: Morales-Martínez A, Dobrzynska A, Askjaer P. J Cell Sci. 2015 Feb 4.
BN224 |
C. elegans |
lem-2(tm1582) bqSi210 II. Show Description
bqSi210 [lem-2p::lem-2::GFP + unc-119(+)] II. Might contain unc-119(ed3) in the background. Single-copy lem-2::GFP transgene under control of lem-2 regulatory sequences. lem-2(tm1582) embryos arrest when emr-1 is depleted by RNAi; bqSi210 fully rescues this phenotype. Reference: Morales-Martínez A, Dobrzynska A, Askjaer P. J Cell Sci. 2015 Feb 4.
BZ555 |
C. elegans |
egIs1. Show Description
egIs1 [dat-1p::GFP] Bright GFP observable in dopamine neuronal soma and processes. For some reason this strain is resistant to neurotoxic effects of 6-OHDA compared to an independent strain BY200 (Nass et al., 2002). Or maybe BY200 is more sensitive to 6-OHDA due to its co-injection marker gene rol-6?
CB7272 |
C. elegans |
ccIs4251 I; mIs12 II; dpy-17(e164) III; frIs7 IV; uIs69 V. Show Description
ccIs4251 [(pSAK2) myo-3p::GFP::LacZ::NLS + (pSAK4) myo-3p::mitochondrial GFP + dpy-20(+)] I. mIs12 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP + F22B7.9p::GFP] II. frIs7 [nlp-29p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. uIs69 [pCFJ90(myo-2p::mCherry) + unc-119p::sid-1] V. Mapping strain. This strain is homozygous for integrated fluorescence markers on LG I, II, IV and V, all of which are easily and independently scored using a fluorescent dissecting microscope, plus an easily scored visible marker (dpy-17) for LGIII. The good markers on all five autosomes facilitate linkage assignment of unmapped mutations, and enable rapid replacement of chromosomes when outcrossing heavily mutagenized strains such as those from the Million Mutation Project.
CER529 |
C. elegans |
sftb-1(cer144) III. Show Description
Dose-dependent sensitivity (developmental arrest) to pladienolide B and herboxidiene (modulators of pre-mRNA splicing). sftb-1(cer144[S1090A, A1095T, I1096V, F1101Y]) contains four missense mutations reproducing the HEAT repeat 15 of the human SF3B1 protein. Ten silent mutations increase primer specificity for PCR genotyping. Primers used for genotyping: (WT For: GAGCTGCAATTAATACATTTGGATTT) (WT Rev: AAACTCGCATTCCTTCACAT) (cer144 For: GGTACTATTCTGTGGCGTCT) (cer144 Rev: GTAACCGAAAGTGTTCACAGTT) Reference: Serrat X, et al. PLoS Genet. 2019 Oct 21;15(10):e1008464.
CEW1 |
Oscheius tipulae |
Oscheius tipulae. Show Description
Isolated in 1991 by Carlos E. Winter in soil samples taken at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Hermaphrodite strain. Adults are 1.5mm. The life cycle is a little longer than C. elegans at 22C. Each lays about 300 eggs in the three days following the moult from L4 to adult. Eggs are laid just after being fertilized resulting sometimes in plates with many eggs (much more than C. elegans). See Comp. Biochem. Physiol 103B: 189, 1992. See Nematology 2(1): 89-98, 2000. Can be grown and maintained on NGM. L1s easily frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. This strain is deposited in Paul Sternberg's collection under the name PS1022. The species has not yet been determined; Lynn Carta will publish a paper proposing Oscheius brevesophaga. DO NOT use this name before the paper is published. Contact Carles E. Winter or Lynn Carta before publishing anything official about this strain. See also WBPaper00004471 and WBPaper00004485. AKA Oscheius sp. 1.
CF3166 |
C. elegans |
muEx473. Show Description
muEx473 [kin-19p::kin-19::tagRFP + tph-1p::GFP]. Pick RFP+ GFP+ animals to maintain. Low transmission rate. Translational fusion of KIN-19 displaying age-dependent aggregation. Reference: David DC, et al. PLoS Biol. 2010 Aug 10;8(8):e1000450.
CG490 |
C. elegans |
unc-103(n1213) III; egl-2(rg4) him-5(e1490) V; rgEx173. Show Description
rgEx173 [unc-103ep::egl-2(cDNA) + gtl-1p::CFP]. Pick animals with cyan fluorescence in their intestines. rgEx173 rescues food deprivation's ability to suppress unc-103(n1213)-induced male sex muscle seizures.
CG499 |
C. elegans |
daf-2(e1368) unc-103(n1213) III; him-5(e1490) V; rgEx178. Show Description
rgEx178 [lev-11p::daf-2(+) + lev-11p::GFP]. rgEx178 rescues food deprivation suppression of unc-103(n1213)-induced spicule protraction.
CG640 |
C. elegans |
daf-2(e1368) unc-103(n1213) III; him-5(e1490) V; rgEx247. Show Description
rgEx247 [hsp-16p::daf-2(+) + lev-11p::GFP]. rgEx247 restores food-deprivation suppression of unc-103(n1213)-induced spicule protraction.
CGC50 |
C. elegans |
+/szT1 [lon-2(e678) umnIs39] I; dpy-8(e1321) unc-3(e151)/szT1 [umnIs40] X. Show Description
umnIs39 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, X: 6745526 (intergenic)] I. umnIs40 [myo-2p::GFP + NeoR, I: 6284001 (intergenic)] X. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ & mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ & mKate2+, DpyUnc non-GFP & non-mKate2, dead eggs, and GFP+ & mKate2+ Lon males. Maintain by picking wild-type with GFP+ & mKate2+. Derived by simultaneous insertion of independent myo-2p::mKate2 and myo-2p::GFP transgenes into each portion of the szT1 balancer in parental strain AF1 using CRISPR/Cas9.
CL2337 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs38. Show Description
dvIs38 [myo-3p::GFP::degron::3' UTR(long) + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain at 16C. Rollers. Temperature-dependent expression of aggregating GFP in body wall muscle (weak at 16C, strong at 25C). Animals become paralyzed if upshifted as larvae to 25C due to expression of aggregating GFP. References: Link CD, et al. (2006) J Biol Chem. Jan 20;281(3):1808-16. Hassan WM, et al. (2014) Neurobiology of Aging. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
COP677 |
C. elegans |
ncr-1(knu4) X. Show Description
Cholesterol-sensitive. Smaller broods and sizes upon serial cholesterol deprivation. This strain may not be distributed to commercial or for-profit entities. Please contact ethan@perlara.com for more information.
CP157 |
C. remanei |
nmDf1 III. Show Description
nmDf1 removes all four tandem paralogs of the mss family (Cre-mss-1, Cre-mss-2, Cre-mss-3, and Cre-mss-4). Male sperm is less competitive than wild-type male sperm, and females have lower brood size due to inbreeding depression. Reference: Yin D, et al. Science. 2018 Jan 5;359(6371):55-61.
DCD179 |
C. elegans |
uqEx37. Show Description
uqEx37 [kin-19p::kin-19::Venus + unc-122p::GFP]. Age-dependent aggregation of KIN-19::Venus in pharynx.
DCD23 |
C. elegans |
uqIs5. Show Description
uqIs5 [lbp-2p::lbp-2::TagRFP]. Age-dependent aggregation of LBP-2::TagRFP in the pseudocoelom. Reference: Gallotta I, et al.
Nature. 2020 Jul 8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2461-z.
DE12 |
C. elegans |
sup-46(qa710) I. Show Description
Superficially WT. Suppressor of gna-2. Reduced brood counts at all temperatures (very strongly reduced at 26C). Exhibits mating-dependent progressive hermaphrodite sterility. Reduced embryo survival following heat shock.
DG3226 |
C. elegans |
deps-1(bn124) I. Show Description
MAINTAIN AT 20 degrees C! deps-1 mutants are temperature-sensitive maternal-effect sterile (>80% sterile at 24.5C) and deps-1 M-Z- animals tend to lay many dead eggs and fewer eggs than WT at lower temps.
DQM1070 |
C. elegans |
cshIs128 II; lin-12(ljf33[lin-12::mNeonGreen[C1]::LoxP::3xFLAG::AID]) III; lag-2(bmd202[lag-2::P2A::H2B::mTurquoise2::lox511i::2xHA]) V. Show Description
cshIs128 [rpl-28p::TIR1::T2A::mCherry::his-11)] II. Auxin-dependent degradation of endogenous LIN-12 with visible readout of endogenous lag-2 expression. Reference: Pani AM, et al. A new toolkit to visualize and perturb endogenous LIN-12/Notch signaling in C. elegans. MicroPubl Biol. 2022 Jul 28;2022:10.17912/micropub.biology.000603. doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000603. PMID: 35966394.
DQM1113 |
C. elegans |
bmdSi297 II. Show Description
bmdSi297 [loxN::rpl-28p::FRT3::STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::T2A::DHB::2xmKate2]; inserted into safe harbor site ttTi5605 in Chr II. Ubiquitous rpl-28 promoter driving expression of FRT3::STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::DHB construct dependent upon tissue-specific FLPase. High levels of TIR1(F79G) can be expressed in specific tissue or cell types via FLPase activity, allowing spatiotemporally-targeted degradation of AID-tagged proteins. Reference: Xiao Y, et al. An expandable FLP-ON::TIR1 system for precise spatiotemporal protein degradation in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2022.10.14.512315; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.14.512315
DQM1256 |
C. elegans |
bmdSi346 I; bmdSi297 II. Show Description
bmdSi346 [loxN::lin-31p::FLP]; inserted into safe harbor site ttTi4348 in Chr I. bmdSi297 [loxN::rpl-28p::FRT3::STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::T2A::DHB::2xmKate2]; inserted into safe harbor site ttTi5605 in Chr II. FLP-ON::TIR1 system for AID-tagged protein degradation in VPCs. High levels of TIR1(F79G) expression in vulval precursor cells by lin-31p::FLP with co-expression of CDK activity sensor. bmdSi297 contains the ubiquitous rpl-28 promoter driving expression of FRT3::STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::DHB construct dependent upon tissue-specific FLPase. High levels of TIR1(F79G) can be expressed in specific tissue or cell types via FLPase activity, allowing spatiotemporally-targeted degradation of AID-tagged proteins. Reference: Xiao Y, et al. An expandable FLP-ON::TIR1 system for precise spatiotemporal protein degradation in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2022.10.14.512315; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.14.512315
DQM1283 |
C. elegans |
bmdSi348 I; bmdSi362 II. Show Description
bmdSi348 [loxN::rgef-1p::FLP::P2A::H2B::2xmTurq2]; inserted into safe harbor site ttTi4348 in Chr I. bmdSi362 [loxN::rpl-28p::FRT3-LCK::mNG-STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::2A::PH::2xmKate2]; inserted into safe harbor site ttTi5605 in Chr II. FLP-ON::TIR1 system for AID-tagged protein degradation in neurons. High levels of TIR1(F79G) expression in neurons by rgef-1p::FLP with co-expression of membrane markers. bmdSi362 contains the ubiquitous rpl-28 promoter driving expression of FRT3-LCK::mNG-STOP::FRT3::TIR1(F79G)::2A::PH::2xmKate2 construct dependent upon tissue-specific FLPase. High levels of TIR1(F79G) can be expressed in specific tissue or cell types via FLPase activity, allowing spatiotemporally-targeted degradation of AID-tagged proteins. Reference: Xiao Y, et al. An expandable FLP-ON::TIR1 system for precise spatiotemporal protein degradation in C. elegans. bioRxiv 2022.10.14.512315; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.14.512315
DV3285 |
C. elegans |
his-72(cp76[mNeonGreen::3xFlag::his-72]) mpk-1(re172[mpk-1::mKate2::3xFlag]) III. Show Description
Green nuclei and ubiquitous cytosolic red expression, typically excluded from nuclei but with activity-dependent translocation into nuclei. Derived in an N2 background.
C-terminally tagged mpk-1 is detectable by triplex PCR:
Reference: Neal R, et al. (2021). Nuclear translocation of tagged endogenous ERK/MPK-1 MAP Kinase denotes a subset of activation events in C. elegans development.
DV3805 |
C. elegans |
reSi7 I. Show Description
reSi7 [rgef-1p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Neuronal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in neuronal nuclei. NOTE: PCR detection of this insert using the published primers has been reported to be defective. Neuronal-specific expression of blue fluorescent protein is still observed and neuronal-specific depletion of AID-tagged proteins has been reported. As such, the construct is inferred to be functional but will need to be tracked in strain constructions via a different method.
EU3030 |
C elegans |
ijmSi3 I; unc-119(ed3) III; ltIs37 IV. Show Description
ijmSi3 [mex-5p::cls-2(re-encoded)::GFP::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. ltIs37 [pie-1p::mCherry::his-58 + unc-119(+)] IV. The coding sequence of GFP-tagged cls-2 in the transgene was re-coded using silent mutations to render it insensitive to RNAi-depletion of endogenous cls-2 expression. mCherry expression marks histones. Not known if unc-119(ed3) is still carried in the background of this strain. [NOTE: the ltIs37 [pie-1p::mCherry::his-58 + unc-119(+)] IV transgene was previously annotated as itIs37 in this strain. The correct name of the transgene is ltIs37 and not itIs37.] Reference: Schlientz A and Bowerman B. PLoS Genet. 2020 Oct 7;16(10):e1008751. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008751.
GR2183 |
C. elegans |
mgIs72 II. Show Description
mgIs72 [rpt-3p::GFP + dpy-5(+)] II. Reporter of proteasome subunit expression can be used to assay skn-1a-dependent regulation of proteasome subunit genes. mgIs72 [rpt-3::gfp] integrated transgene was generated from sEx15003.
HML1012 |
C. elegans |
cshIs140 II; ieSi58 IV. Show Description
cshIs140 [rps-28p::TIR1(F79G)::T2A::mCherry::his-11 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ieSi58 [eft-3p::degron::GFP::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Ubiquitously expressed single copy, modified TIR1 allele, TIR1(F79G) that is compatible with 5-PH-IAA and can be used to deplete auxin-induced degradation-tagged (AID-tagged) proteins. Efficiently depletes target proteins at 1µM 5-Ph-IAA. Nuclear localized mCherry co-expression marker.
JD21 |
C. elegans |
cca-1(ad1650) X. Show Description
Slow pharyngeal pumping. Abnormal pharyngeal muscle depolarization.
JDW92 |
C. elegans |
wrdSi19 nhr-23(kry61[nhr-23::AID*::TEV::3xFLAG]) I; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
wrdSi19 [mex-5p::TIR1:F2A:mTagBFP2:tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Strain allows germline-specific depletion of NHR-23::AID*LLTEV::3xFLAG using the auxin-inducible degron system. wrdSi19 was made by crossing parental strain KRY87 to JDW83 [wrdSi10 (mex-5p::TIR1:F2A:mTagBFP2:tbb-2 3?UTR+SEC, I:-5.32); him5(e1490) V] and using heatshock to remove the SEC. Reference: Ragle JM, et al. Development. 2020 Nov 27;147(22):dev193862. doi: 10.1242/dev.193862. PMID: 33060131.
JH3207 |
C. elegans |
deps-1(ax2063[deps-1::GFP]) I. Show Description
Maintain at 20C. GFP inserted at N-terminus of deps-1. Reference: Paix A, et al. Genetics. 2014 Sep 23.
JK5896 |
C. elegans |
qSi369 II; unc-119(ed3) III; qSi370 V. Show Description
qSi369 [sygl-1p::24xMS2 loops::3xflag::sygl-1::sygl1 3'UTR]. qSi370 [mex-5p:: MS2 Coat Protein::linker::sfGFP::tbb-2 3' UTR::gpd-2 intergenic sequence::H2B::mCherry::unc-54 3' UTR]. Superficially wild-type with expression of sfGFP and nuclear mCherry in germline. qSi369 and qSi370 constitute an MS2 system which allows live visualization of sygl-1 nascent transcripts in the C. elegans germline in a glp-1 mutant background. qSi370 can be prone to silencing, especially after severe starvation; silencing of GFP or mCherry expression can occur independently of one another. Maintain by picking animals with bright GFP and mCherry expression. Reference: Lee C, et al. Dev Cell. 2019 Aug 19;50(4):426-435.e4.
JK6111 |
C. elegans |
sygl-1(q1054[*q943]) I. Show Description
C-teminal V5 epitope tag inserted into endogenous sygl-1 locus that has a CRISPR-engineered mutation of predicted Notch-dependent cis-regulatory element LBS D (Yoo et al., 2004). Reference: Lynch TR, et al. Development. 2022 Apr 1;149(7):dev200332. PMID: 35394007.
JK6389 |
C. elegans |
sygl-1(q1167[*q1135])) I. Show Description
C-teminal V5 epitope tag inserted into endogenous sygl-1 locus that has a CRISPR-engineered mutation of predicted Notch-dependent cis-regulatory elements LBS BCD (Yoo et al., 2004). Reference: Lynch TR, et al. Development. 2022 Apr 1;149(7):dev200332. PMID: 35394007.
JK6600 |
C. elegans |
lst-1(q869) sygl-1(q1167) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Pick GFP+ to maintain. C-teminal V5 epitope tag inserted into endogenous sygl-1 locus that has a CRISPR-engineered mutation of predicted Notch-dependent cis-regulatory elementa LBS BCD (Yoo et al., 2004). Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP q869 q1167 homozygotes (sterility/reduced fertility). Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Maintain by picking GFP+ heterozygotes and checking for correct segregation of progeny to maintain a balanced stock. Reference: Lynch TR, et al. Development. 2022 Apr 1;149(7):dev200332. PMID: 35394007.
JPS325 |
C. elegans |
slo-1(js379)V; vxEx325. Show Description
vxEx325 [slo-1p::hslo(T352I)::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick animals with mCherry expression in the pharynx to maintain the array. vxEx325 rescues ethanol-independent phenotypes of a slo-1(null) mutants without rescuing ethanol intoxication. vxEx325 expresses human BK channel protein (hslo(T352I)) with a C-terminal mCherry tag. Reference: Davis SJ, Scott LL, Hu K & Pierce-Shimomura JT. J Neurosci. 2014 Jul 16;34(29):9562-73.
JPS327 |
C. elegans |
slo-1(js379)V; vxEx327. Show Description
vxEx327 [slo-1p::slo-1(T381I)::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick animals with mCherry expression in the pharynx to maintain the array. vxEx327 rescues ethanol-independent phenotypes of a slo-1(null) mutants without rescuing ethanol intoxication. vxEx327 expresses worm BK channel protein (slo-1(T381I)) with a C-terminal mCherry tag. Reference: Davis SJ, Scott LL, Hu K & Pierce-Shimomura JT. J Neurosci. 2014 Jul 16;34(29):9562-73.