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NJ51 C. elegans exc-3(rh26) X. Show Description
Excretory canal defect. Large fluid-filled cysts appear randomly along the excretory canal, especially at the tips. 100% penetrant. Cysts often visible as clear spots by low-power microscopy.
NJ546 C. elegans unc-116(rh24) III; cat-6(e1861) V. Show Description
Paralyzed Unc. Abnormal excretory canal. Abnormal amphid sheath cell.
NJ555 C. elegans exc-3(rh207) X. Show Description
Excretory canal defect. Canals are shortened and animal is somewhat pale. Defect visible only by Nomarski microscopy. Tail spike is often malformed.
NJ600 C. elegans exc-8(rh210) X. Show Description
Variable length excretory canal. Moderate, regional enlargement with occasional septations. Channel branches.
NJ683 C. elegans exc-7(rh252) II. Show Description
Excretory canal defect. Canal is invariably short with multiple cysts of varying size clustered along length, especially at the tips. Visible only by Nomarski microscopy. Tail spike is often slightly malformed. Animal is somewhat pale.
NJ731 C. elegans exc-5(rh232) IV. Show Description
Formation of large round cysts in the excretory canal. The cysts begin to form shortly before hatching and is penetrant. The cysts grow in size throughout larval and adult stages, and can be lethal. The cysts form primarily at the canal tips. Some of the larger cysts may be visible by low power microscopy. Slight variable defects in the tail whip. Impenetrant distal tip cell migration defects (Mig).
NJ831 C. elegans exc-3(rh186) X. Show Description
Excretory canal defect. Hypomorphic allele. Canals are slightly shortened. Defect visible only by Nomarski microscopy.
NJ833 C. elegans exc-6(rh103) III. Show Description
Excretory canal defect. Canal varies in length from no outgrowth to almost complete outgrowth. Frequent small vacuoles and extra branchings in the canal lumen visible only by Nomarski microscopy. Animals are somewhat pale.
NK1339 C. elegans rrf-3(pk1426) II; qyIs127 V; qyIs166 X. Show Description
qyIs127 [lam-1p::lam-1::mCherry + unc-119(+)] V. qyIs166 [cdh-3p::GFP::CAAX + unc-119(+)] X. Temperature-sensitive sterile; maintain at 20C or lower for optimum fertility. Increased sensitivity to RNAi when compared to wild-type animals. lam-1p::lam-1::mCherry expression can be weak and variable. Reference: Kelley, LC, et al. Developmental Cell. 2019 Feb 11;48(3):313-328.e8.
NKZ35 C. inopinata Caenorhabditis inopinata wild isolate Show Description
Caenorhabditis inopinata wild isolate; 10x inbred line. Male-Female. Maintain by mating at 25C or above; does not grow well at 20C. See reference for the details d( Sibling species of C. elegans. Inbred 10 times, full genome sequence available. Frozen stock recovery is lower efficiency than C. elegans with glycerol; DMSO method works more efficiently. Adult: Large and slender species; ca. 1.5–2.5?mm in length, and individuals may reach up 3.0?mm under optimal culturing conditions. Cuticle is moderate to thick with four-lined lateral field. Deirids on the lateral field, at the level slightly behind the secretory–excretory pore. Lip separated into six sectors, not clearly offset. Six labial sensilla and four cephalic sensilla present. The anterior end of each lip sector very slightly elongated and forming six stomatal flaps. Amphid small, oval pore-like, at the level of the margin of cheilo and gymnostom. Tube-like stoma separated into three parts; short tube-like cheilostom; simple tube-like gymnostom, which is weakly separated into two subsections; and tube-like stegostom covered by pharyngeal sleeve, which is separated into four subsections, prostegostom, mesostegostom, metastegostom, and telostegostom. Metastegostomatal three teeth flap-like. Pharynx separated into four sections; procorpus forming muscular tube, well-developed metacorpus (median bulb); glandular and narrow isthmus; and basal bulb with double haustrulum as the glottoid apparatus. Pharyngo-intestinal valve (cardia) prominent. Nerve ring around the middle of isthmus. Excretory pore located around the margin of isthmus and basal bulb. Female: Gonadal system didelphic, amphidelphic. Anterior and posterior gonadal system are basically symmetric with each other, arranged as ovary, oviduct, spermatheca, spermathecal-uterus junction tissue, uterus and vulva/vagina from distal. Sometimes more than 20 developing eggs are deposited. Tail conical or forming slightly elongated conus with pointed tip. Anus and rectum clearly visible; three (two subventral and one dorsal) rectal glands present. Phasmid forming small pore at ca. 60% of total tail length from anus. Male: Testis single, anteriorly reflexed rightwardly. Vas deferens occupying ca. 1/5 of total gonadal length. Tail enveloped by a closed bursa, supported by nine pairs of bursal rays. Anterior cloacal lip with a rounded and sclerotized appendage and bulge-like appendage between rounded appendage and cloacal opening; a small sensilla-like papilla on the bulge-like appendage. Posterior cloacal lip with tongue-like appendage with two cloacal sensilla. Spicules paired, separate, long and slender with evenly slightly ventrally curved blade and simply pointed tip. Gubernaculum slender, ventrally arcuate with small squared appendage at the distal end in lateral view. Bursa heart-shaped in ventral view, anteriorly closed with serrated edge; serratae obvious in anterior half and vague in posterior half; terminal notch present but unclear. The nine pairs of genital papillae or bursal rays supporting the bursal velum with an arranged (2/1?+?1?+?2?+?3).
NL2099 C. elegans rrf-3(pk1426) II. Show Description
Homozygous rrf-3 deletion allele. Increased sensitivity to RNAi when compared to WT animals. Deletion sequence (deletion in lower case letters, flanking undeleted sequence in capital letters): TGCACATATTctacagaatt ------- --------tacccgattaAATGGACAATT (from Plasterk Lab 11/05).
NM3576 C. elegans jsIs1072 I. Show Description
jsIs1072 [vha-6p::aex-5::Venus + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. Wild type strain that expresses AEX-5::VENUS fusion in intestine under the control of the vha-6 promoter. AEX-5::VENUS is secreted and also detectable in the coelomocytes. Created by ballistic transformation. Plasmid sequence and description of the transgene found in PMID 18852466.
NM5548 C. elegans jsSi1726 II. Show Description
jsSi1726 [loxP myo-2p::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] II. Single component rapid RMCE landing site on Chromosome II adjacent to ttTi5605. Created from jsSi1579 (and jsSi1706) by two rounds of RMCE. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NM5549 C. elegans jsSi1727 I. Show Description
jsSi1727 [mosL::loxP::myo-2p::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP D5::glh-2 3' FRT3::mosR] I. Single component rapid RMCE landing site on Chromosome I at jsTi1453. Created from jsTi1453 (and jsSi1710) by two rounds of RMCE. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NM5738 C. elegans jsSi1815 V. Show Description
jsSi1815 [loxP::mex-5p::FLP::sl2::mNeonGreen + rpl-28p::FRT::GFP::his-58 3' FRT3] V. Single component RMCE landing site on Chromosome V adjacent to oxTi365. Created using CRISPR/cas9 with SEC selection and heat shock excision. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NM5753 C. elegans jsSi1837 IV. Show Description
jsSi1837 [loxP::mec-4Sp::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] IV. Single component rapid RMCE landing site on Chromosome IV adjacent to cxTi10882. Created from jsSi1669 (and jsIs1824) by two rounds of RMCE. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NP1360 C. elegans arIs37 I; cup-14(cd31) II. Show Description
arIs37 [myo-3p::ssGFP + dpy-20(+)] I. myo-3p::ssGFP is a secreted GFP that is taken up by coelomocytes. Reference: Gee, K et al. (2017) G3 7: 991.
NW1703 C. elegans him-5(e1490) V; evEx193. Show Description
evEx193 [semala::GFP]. GFP fluorescence in interneurons (AVL), the excretory channel, the distal tip cells (DTC), somatic cells of the gonad, epidermal cells. In adult, expression in the fused seam cell syncitium.
NW627 C. elegans evEx1. Show Description
evEx1 [rol-6(su1006) + mec-7(+)-lacZ]. Throws Rollers and WT. Pick Rollers to maintain. Grow at 25C to increase staining.
OG1140 C. elegans ogt-1(dr90[H612A]) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. H612A mutation introduced into the endogenous ogt-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9; Sanger sequence confirmed. The H612A mutation decreases, but does not completely ablate, the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. gpdh-1p::GFP reporter is induced in the hypodermis and intestines during hypertonic stress. col-12p::GFP is constitutively expressed in the hypodermis. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1141 C. elegans ogt-1(dr84[ogt-1::GFP] dr91[H612A]) III. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. H612A mutation introduced into the endogenous ogt-1 locus tagged with C-terminal GFP. OGT-1(H612A)::GFP is expressed ubiquitously in somatic tissues with a nuclear localization. The H612A mutation decreases, but does not completely ablate, the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. Sanger sequence confirmed. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG969 C. elegans ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. ogt-1(dr20) was isolated in an ENU screen in parental strain OG119 for mutants with decreased induction of the gpdh-1p::GFP reporter during hypertonic stress. dr20 is a presumptive null allele [Q600STOP]. OG969 has decreased gpdh-1p::GFP induction during hypertonic stress and impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG971 C. elegans ogt-1(dr15) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. ogt-1(dr20) was isolated in an ENU screen in parental strain OG119 for mutants with decreased induction of the gpdh-1p::GFP reporter during hypertonic stress. dr15 is a presumptive null allele [R267STOP]. OG971 has decreased gpdh-1p::GFP induction during hypertonic stress and impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OH11104 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5024. Show Description
otEx5024 [lsy-6(fosmid) + ttx-3::mCherry]. Maintain otEx5024 by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons. otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Integrated from adEx1288; genetically mapped between 3.05 m.u. (T19B10) and 5.86 m.u. (AH10) on V. GFP expression appears in ASEL and the excretory cell in adult animals.
OH11705 C. elegans ham-3(n1654) III; otEx5093. Show Description
otEx5093 [ham-3p::ham-3::GFP + elt-2::DsRed]. Strain can be maintained at 25C to increase frequency of array transmission. Pick GFP+ or DsRed+ to maintain. DsRed expression is difficult to detect at low magnification. otEx5093 rescues n1654; animals carrying the array are essentially wild-type. n1654 homozygotes without the array are Egl, slow growing, and lethal/sterile at 25C.
OH1277 C. elegans otEx669. Show Description
otEx669 [exc-4p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers. Transcriptional GFP fusion expresses in the excretory cell, excretory pore cell, excretory duct cell, rectal gland cell, hypodermis, seam cells, innerlabial sheath cells, and phasmid sheath cells.
OH1279 C. elegans otEx671. Show Description
otEx671[exc-4p::exc-4::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers. Translational GFP fusion localizes to the lumenal membrane of the excretory cell, to the apical junction of the seam cells, and to the tips of the inner labial and phasmid sheath cells.
OH1353 C. elegans exc-4(rh133) I; bgIs312. Show Description
bgIs312 [pes-6::GFP]. GFP expression in excretory cell only.
OH1360 C. elegans bgIs312; otEx718. Show Description
bgIs312 [pes-6::GFP]. GFP expression in excretory cell only. otEx718 [exc-4p::exc-4::DsRed2 + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers. Roller phenotype most penetrant at 20C.
OH14014 C. elegans inx-6(ot804 ot840) IV. Show Description
inx-6(ot804) was generated by the insertion of SL2::NLS::YFP::H2B into the endogenous inx-6 locus. ot840 was created by targeted disruption of the conserved TAATTA in the tagged inx-6(ot804). Reference: Bhattacharya A, et al. Cell. 2019 Feb 21;176(5):1174-1189.e16.
OH14070 C. elegans bnc-1(ot845[bnc-1::mNeonGreen::AID]) V. Show Description
bnc-1 was modified by CRISPR/Cas9 to create both a GFP-tagged reporter and conditional allele using the auxin-inducible degron (AID). Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron 2017 (in press).
OH14357 C. elegans mab-9(ot863[mab-9::TagRFP::AID]) II. Show Description
mab-9(ot863[mab-9::TagRFP::AID]) II. mab-9 was modified by CRISPR/Cas9 to create a conditional allele using the auxin-inducible degron (AID). RFP is not visible in this strain. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron 2017 (in press).
OH15814 C. elegans him-5(e1490) V; dmd-4(ot935[dmd-4::GFP]) X. Show Description
GFP tag inserted into endogenous dmd-4 locus to create a C-terminal translational GFP fusion.
OH3191 C. elegans otIs3 V. Show Description
otIs3 [gcy-7::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Integrated from adEx1288; genetically mapped between 3.05 m.u. (T19B10) and 5.86 m.u. (AH10) on V. GFP expression appears in ASEL and the excretory cell in adult animals.
OH3487 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot119) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot119. Rollers.
OH3491 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot123) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. ot123 is a semi-dominant deletion allele of part of the cog-1 3' UTR, a lsy-6 miRNA target. Loss of miRNA regulation leads to ectopic expression of cog-1 in ASEL, which transforms ASEL to have ASER fate. otIs114, normally expressed in only ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in ot123. Animals tend not to Roll.
OH3556 C. elegans che-1(ot124) otIs114 I. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. che-1 mutants result in complete loss of ASE specific cell fate markers. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3568 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot155) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot155. Rollers. Animals look Dpy.
OH3645 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-6(ot149) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of lsy-6 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3646 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-6(ot150) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of lsy-6 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3679 C. elegans che-1(ot151) otIs114 I. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. che-1 mutants result in complete loss of ASE specific cell fate markers. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3681 C. elegans otIs114 che-1(ot153) I. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. che-1 mutants result in a complete loss of ASE specific cell fate markers. otIs114, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3684 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-12(ot170) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of lys-12 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in lsy-12 mutants. Rollers. Worms are slow growing.
OH3754 C. elegans otIs114 I; fozi-1(ot159) III. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. fozi-1 mutant causes a mixed phenotype in the ASER neuron, characterized by ASER fate markers being unaffected and ASEL markers (including the lim-6 reporter) being partially de-repressed in ASER. otIs114 reporter shows expression in ASEL, the excretory gland cells, and is de-repressed in ASER.
OH3895 C. elegans otIs114 I; die-1(ot198) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of die-1 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3900 C. elegans otIs114 I; fozi-1(ot191) III. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. fozi-1 mutant causes a mixed phenotype in the ASER neuron, characterized by ASER fate markers being unaffected and ASEL markers (including the lim-6 reporter) being partially de-repressed in ASER. otIs114 reporter shows expression in ASEL, the excretory gland cells, and is de-repressed in ASER.
OH3902 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot200) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot200. Rollers.
OH3903 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot201) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot201. Rollers.
OH3959 C. elegans otIs114 I; die-1(ot231) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of die-1 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3962 C. elegans otIs114 I; fozi-1(ot236) III. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. fozi-1 mutant causes a mixed phenotype in the ASER neuron, characterized by ASER fate markers being unaffected and ASEL markers (including the lim-6 reporter) being partially de-repressed in ASER. otIs114 reporter shows expression in ASEL, the excretory gland cells, and is de-repressed in ASER.