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ZM10755 C. elegans hpIs814. Show Description
hpIs814 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::TeTx::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. Red fluorescence in AVA. Slow forward and backward movement, with reduced reversals.
ZM10786 C. elegans hpIs721; hpIs811. Show Description
hpIs721 [rig-3p::FRT::Stop::FRT::snb-1::GFP + nmr-1p::FLP::FLP + myo-2p::RFP]. hpIs811 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::TeTx::Cherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. Transgenic animals have pharyngeal RFP signal; GFP puncta are visible in AVA soma but not along the VNC; RFP signals along AVA neurite.
ZM10806 C. elegans hpIs824. Show Description
hpIs824 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::gtACR2::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. Red fluorescence in AVA soma and neurites of the VNC. Activation of gtACR2 inhibits both forward and backward movement.
ZM10942 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X; hpIs774; hpEx4292. Show Description
hpIs774 [twk-40p(short)::GCaMP6s::mNeptune]. hpEx4292 [pdf-1p::LoxP::eBFP::LoxP::gtACR2::Cherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre + lin-15(+)]. Pick non-Muv to maintain. Red and green fluorescence in multiple head neurons. Activation of gtACR2 reduces AVB signals but does not generate specific changes in AVA.
ZM11034 C. elegans hpIs819; hpIs810. Show Description
hpIs819 [twk-40p(short)::GCaMP::T2A::NLS::mNeptune + lin-15(+)]. hpIs810 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::TeTx::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. Transgenic animals exhibit strong RFP signals in AVA soma and neurites; cytoplasmic GFP and RFP in AVA, AVE, AVB and some neurons in RVG and tail (DVA).
ZM11082 C. elegans twk-40(hp834) III; hpIs814. Show Description
hpIs814 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::TeTx::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. Red fluorescence in AVA. twk-40(hp834) is a loss-of-function allele. twk-40(hp834) itself is highly loopy and a weak backward coiler. The presence of hpIs814 in the background reduces body bending and speed compared to twk-40(hp834) alone.
ZM11085 C. elegans hpIs814; hpEx4363. Show Description
hpIs814 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::TeTx::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. hpEx4363 [npr-4p::ins-22::pHluorin + myo-2p::wCherry]. Pick wCherry+ (pharynx) animals to maintain. Red fluorescence in AVA.
ZM11151 C. elegans hpIs758; hpIs814. Show Description
hpIs758 [rig-3p::LoxP::eBFP::LoxP::Chrimson::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre + myo-2p::wCherry]. hpIs814 [flp-18p::LoxP::eBFP::Stop::LoxP::TeTx::wCherry + twk-40p(short)::Cre]. RFP positive in AVA soma and neurite along the VNC. Weak pharyngeal RFP. Flat and slow movement without ATR or LED stimulation. Chrimson activation induces loopy reversal but not loopy forward after 5min.
ABR212 C. elegans acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) I. Show Description
acd-1 and delm-2 are tandem paralogs. This double mutant was created by CRISPR-engineered deletion of acd-1 in a delm-2(ok1822) background (parental strain RB1523). acd-1(sta6) is predicted to be a null allele (~200bp indel causing frameshift in exon 4).
ABR225 C. elegans acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) I; delm-1(ok1266) IV. Show Description
acd-1 and delm-2 are tandem paralogs. This double mutant was created by CRISPR-engineered deletion of acd-1 in a delm-2(ok1822) background (parental strain RB1523). acd-1(sta6) is predicted to be a null allele (~200bp indel causing frameshift in exon 4). This triple mutant strain was made by crossing the acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) double mutant with delm-1(ok1226) parental strain RB1177.
ABR4 C. elegans pha-1(e2123) III; staEx4. Show Description
staEx4 [T20F7.6p(R81Q)::T20F7.6 + pha-1(+)]. Constitutively active T20f7.6 promoter construct (CA3). Maintain at 25 degrees. Superficially wild-type with increased lifespan and stress resistance. Reference: Greer EL et al Curr Biol 2007 Oct 9;17(19):1646-56.
AFS222 C. elegans zen-4(cle10) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive embryonic-lethal mutant. Maintain at 15C. Shift L4s to 25C overnight to observe mutant phenotype of embryos produced by adults. Mutants lack a central spindle during early embryonic mitosis and exhibits a late cytokinesis defect (cleavage furrows regress after ingressing in nearly to the center of dividing embryonic cells). This strain can be used for CRISPR-Cas9 co-conversion. There is a causal mis-sense mutation present in zen-4(cle10), GAC to AAC (D520N), and two silent mutations. One silent mutation is a CGA to CGG mutation at codon 523 that creates a recognition site for a Cas9 guide RNA, in order to use zen-4(cle10ts) as a CRISPR/Cas9 co-conversion marker. The other silent mutation is a GCA to GCT mutation at codon 519 that introduces an AluI site for RFLP analysis. Reference: Farboud B, et al. Genetics Early online November 30, 2018;
ALF82 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; daf-12(rh61rh411) X; bafIs62. Show Description
bafIs62 [lin-42p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. lin-42p::GFP reporter consists of 2 kb upstream of lin-42a isoform subcloned into modified pPD95.75 vector also carrying unc-119(+). Array was crossed into strain ALF3 to create ALF82. Reference: Hochbaum D, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jul;7(7):e1002179.
AML318 C. elegans otIs669 V. Show Description
Derived by out-crossing parental strain OH15262 an additional six times to N2. Out-crossed strain AML318 seems healthier than parental strain when maintaining long-term under normal conditions (AML observed an increase in male and sterile progeny in parental strain in successive generations.) otIs669 [UPN::NLS::TagRFP-T + acr-5::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + flp-1::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + flp-6::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + flp-18::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + flp-19::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + flp-26::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + gcy-18::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + ggr-3::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + lim-4::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + pdfr-1::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + srab-20::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + unc-25::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + cho-1::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + flp-13::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + flp-20::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + gcy-36::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + gpa-1::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + nlp-12::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + nmr-1::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + ocr-1::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + osm-9::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + srh-79::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + sri-1::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + srsx-3::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + unc-8::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + acr-2::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + ceh-2::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + dat-1::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + dhc-3::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + eat-4::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + flp-3::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + gcy-35::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + glr-1::NLS::mNeptune2.5 + gcy-21::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B::T2A::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + klp-6::NLS::mNeptune2.5::T2A::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + lim-6::NLS::mNeptune2.5::T2A::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B + mbr-1::NLS::mNeptune2.5::T2A::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + mec-3::NLS::CyOFP1::H2B::T2A::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + odr-1::NLS::mNeptune2.5::T2A::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B + srab-20::NLS::mNeptune2.5::T2A::NLS::mTagBFP2::H2B] V. UPN (Ultra Pan-Neuronal) promoter contains four short pan-neuronal promoters fused together (unc-11::rgef-1::ehs-1::ric-19). NeuroPAL (Neuronal Polychromatic Atlas of Landmarks) transgene used to resolve unique neural identities in whole-brain images. Reference: Yemini E, et al. Cell. 2021 Jan 7;184(1):272-288.e11. PMID: 33378642.
AV477 C. elegans dsb-2(me96) II. Show Description
Age-dependent defect in meiotic double-strand break formation. Homozygous mutants produce elevated frequency of males and dead embryos resulting from defects in meiotic chromosome segregation. The frequency of both males and dead embryos increases in later broods. Reference: Rosu S, et al. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(8):e1003674.
AV51 C. elegans me8 X. Show Description
Homozygotes produce 10-15% XO male self progeny; nondisjuction is correlated with an increased frequency of achiasmate X chromosomes in oocyte nuclei, and an unaltered distribution of X chromosome crossovers. Heterozygotes produce 1-2% male self-progeny. Homozygotes (and XO hemizygotes) are slower growing than WT; reduced male mating efficiency. me8 disrupts the function of the cis-acting X chromosome meiotic pairing center. Molecular studies show that the me8 chromosome carries a terminal deletion that removes >70 kb from the left end of the X chromosome, including the endogenous telomere; further, a segment of chromosome V has been translocated to the left end of X, and a new telomere has been added de novo to the end of the translocated segment.
AY159 C. elegans gtl-2(n2618) IV; acEx159. Show Description
acEx159 [gtl-2p::gtl-2(cDNA)::SL2::GFP + unc-122::RFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+ or RFP+ animals (GFP is expressed primarily in the excretory cell and pharynx). gtl-2 expression driven by gtl-2 promoter. Transgene rescues gtl-2(lf). Reference: Filipowicz et al. eLife 2021;10:e65935. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.65935
AY160 C. elegans gtl-2(n2618) IV; acEx160. Show Description
acEx160 [sulp-4p::gtl-2(cDNA)::SL2::GFP + unc-122::RFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+ or RFP+ animals (GFP is expressed in the excretory cell). gtl-2 expression driven by sulp-4 promoter. Transgene rescues gtl-2(lf). Reference: Filipowicz et al. eLife 2021;10:e65935. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.65935
BA821 C. elegans spe-26(hc138) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive. Maintain at 15C. Fertile at 15C. Partially fertile at 20C. Sterile at 25C. Spermatogenesis arrests at the spermatocyte stage. Increase lifespan in males and hermaphrodites.
BC13003 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sIs12880. Show Description
sIs12880 [rCesC26F1.5::GFP + pCeh361]. Rescued dpy-5 (WT gross phenotype) with GFP expression in all stages, but rapid decrease in adults. Array transmission is greater than 99.5% (segregates less than 0.5% Dpys). Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC1519 C. elegans dpy-18(e364)/eT1 III; sDf31/eT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc-36 and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT. Original isolation: BO strain BC1261 unc-22(s727) hermaphrodite heat shocked for 1 hour at 34C. Crossed to N2 strain BC1270 unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Picked individual WT hermaphrodites. Screened for the absence of gravid Unc-22. Retained strain as BC1379. Balanced over eT1: BC1379 unc-22(s727)[BO]/nT1[N2] IV; sDf31[BO]/nT1[N2] hermaphrodite crossed to BC 1265 dpy-18(e364)/eT1 III; unc-46(e177)/eT1 V. Pick WT hermaphrodites that twitch in 1% nicotine. Retained one strain that segregated Unc-36 as BC1428. Pseudolinked sDf31 to dpy-18: BC1428 +/eT1 III; sDf31[BO]/eT1 V crossed to BC 1265 dpy-18/eT1 III; unc-46/eT1 V male. Picked WT hermaphrodite F1. From strains segregating Unc-36 but no Dpy or Unc-46 or DpyUnc-46, cross WT hermaphrodites to BC1265 males. From strains producing Dpy, crossed individual WT males to BC70 eT1;eT1. From each cross, crossed WT X WT. Kept one strain producing on Dpy or DpyUncs as S-H716 male. Picked one hermaphrodite to start BC1519. Comments: 1) The LGV region balanced by eT1 should be all BO. 2) Probably the rest of the genome still has a considerable amount from BO since it was crossed to N2 only 4 times. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to David Baillie.
BC313 C. elegans rec-1(s180) I. Show Description
Increased recombination (3X - 4X over WT) for linkage groups I, IV and V. Recessive. Dominant with s155.
BC4390 C. elegans sEx776. Show Description
sEx776 [C05A2 (V) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. "Low" amount of cosmid C05A2 + 100 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4542 C. elegans sEx29. Show Description
sEx29 [ZK652 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. Cosmid ZK652 and plasmid pCes1943 were injected into hermaphrodite from N2 strain. pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4544 C. elegans sEx31. Show Description
sEx31 [ZK688 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. Cosmid ZK688 and plasmid pCes1943 were injected into hermaphrodite from N2 strain. pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4545 C. elegans sEx32. Show Description
sEx32 [T20H4 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. T20H4 + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into N2 hermaphrodite. pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4566 C. elegans sEx34. Show Description
sEx34 [T21D11 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. Cosmid T21D11 + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into N2 hermaphrodite. pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4583 C. elegans sEx37. Show Description
sEx37 [C06G4 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. Cosmid C06G4 and plasmid pCes1943 were injected into hermaphrodite from N2 strain. pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4585 C. elegans sEx39. Show Description
sEx39 [K06H7 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. Cosmid K06H7 and plasmid pCes1943 were injected into hermaphrodite from N2 strain. pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4604 C. elegans sEx50. Show Description
sEx50 [F44B9 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul F44B9 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4649 C. elegans sEx67. Show Description
sEx67 [R151 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt. 1. 20 ng/ul R151 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4650 C. elegans sEx68. Show Description
sEx68 [R13A5 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul R13A5 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4652 C. elegans sEx70. Show Description
sEx70 [T20B12 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 2. 20 ng/ul T20B12 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4655 C. elegans sEx73. Show Description
sEx73 [F08F8 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 3. 20 ng/ul F08F8 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4660 C. elegans sEx76. Show Description
sEx76 [C30C5 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul C30C5 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4662 C. elegans sEx77. Show Description
sEx77 [F56C9 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 1. 20 ng/ul F56C9 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4665 C. elegans sEx81. Show Description
sEx81 [F37C12 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 5. 20 ng/ul F37C12 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4666 C. elegans sEx82. Show Description
sEx82 [T04A6 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 1. 20 ng/ul T04A6 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4667 C. elegans sEx83. Show Description
sEx83 [C18H2 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt. 1. 20 ng/ul C18H2 + 110 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4694 C. elegans sEx95. Show Description
sEx95 [C14B9 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul C14B9 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4699 C. elegans sEx90. Show Description
sEx90 [D2007 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt. 5. 20 ng/ul D2007 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4700 C. elegans sEx91. Show Description
sEx91 [C29E4 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt. 1. 20 ng/ul C29E4 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4738 C. elegans sEx778. Show Description
sEx778 [B0379 (I) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. line 1. "Low" amount of cosmid B0379 + 100 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4785 C. elegans sEx114. Show Description
sEx114 [C06E8 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt. 2. 10.6 ng/ul C06E8 + 90 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4787 C. elegans sEx111. Show Description
sEx111 [F11H8 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 4. 20 ng/ul F11H8 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4798 C. elegans sEx119. Show Description
sEx119 [K04C2 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul K04C2 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4816 C. elegans sEx121. Show Description
sEx121 [R13F6 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul R13F6 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4885 C. elegans sEx124. Show Description
sEx124 [K07E12 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 2. 20 ng/ul K07E12 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4890 C. elegans sEx126. Show Description
sEx126 [K03F8 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. segrgnt 2. 20 ng/ul K03F8 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC4892 C. elegans sEx128. Show Description
sEx128 [M01G4 (III) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 20 ng/ul M01G4 + 80 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.