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CX2610 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) kyIs30 X. Show Description
kyIs30 [glr-1::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CX3553 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) kyIs104 X. Show Description
kyIs104 [str-1p::GFP] X. AWB expression of GFP.
CX3572 C. elegans kyIs105 V; lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X. Show Description
kyIs105 [str-3p::snb-1::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Also known as str-3::VAMP::GFP or ASI::VAMP::GFP or M7::VAMP::GFP. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CX3596 C. elegans kyIs128 lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X. Show Description
kyIs128 [str-3::GFP + lin-15(+)]. kyIs128 encodes a translational fusion contaning 4aa coding sequence (M7.13::GFP). Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CX3662 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X; kyIs121. Show Description
kyIs121 [unc-115::GFP + lin-15(+)]; autosomal. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Lundquist E, et al. (1998) Neuron 21(2):385-92.
CX3716 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) kyIs141 X. Show Description
kyIs141[osm-9::GFP5 + lin-15(+)]. GFP in sensory neurons.
CX3937 C. elegans lim-4(ky403) X. Show Description
Coily movement; aberrent head movement. The AWB neurons are transformed towards the AWC neuron fate by many criteria.
CX5000 C. elegans slt-1(eh15) X. Show Description
slt-1 mutants have no dissecting-scope phenotype. They have a 40% penetrant defect in the ventral guidance of the AVM neuron scored with mec-4::GFP, a mild defect in CAN cell migration that is enhanced by a ceh-23::GFP transgene, and a mild defect in midline crossing by PVQ neurons scorable with sra-6::GFP. slt-1(eh15) is a complex rearrangement that duplicates the endogenous slt-1 gene, but disrupts both duplicated copies. The two copies are linked on X but the exact distance between them is not known. The duplication probably extends >13 kb based on Southern blotting. Deletion breakpoints for the first copy of slt-1 are as follows: nucleotides 26219 to 28163 and 28197 to 28294 in cosmid C26G2 are deleted. The second copy of slt-1 contains the following structure: nucleotides 28197 to 28294 in C26G2 are deleted, followed by a duplication of nucleotides 28300 to 28396 in C26G2 that begins 5 nucleotides after the deletion. Both copies of slt-1 are mutant, as confirmed by both DNA sequence and RT-PCR analysis of slt-1 mRNA. Scoring for homozygosity of the slt-1 allele by PCR is difficult because of the two copies of the gene and because the small deletion and the small duplication of the second copy of slt-1 are the same size. The mutant can be followed indirectly by X linkage (very closely linked to unc-3). It may be possible to make a specific primer within the duplicated region that detects a unique band in the slt-1 mutant.
CX5478 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X; kyEx581. Show Description
kyEx581 [ocr-4::GFP + lin-15(+)]. GFP expression in OLQS. Maintain by picking non-Muv.
CX6448 C. elegans gcy-35(ok769) I. Show Description
668 bp deletion in cosmid T04D3. Break points are 31961 and 32629 with respect to T04D3. Sequence at break point: CCTGCTCAATGACCTTTATCTTCGTT/AACGTGGCGAACAAAATGGAATCCAACGGT. Primers for a ~2.4kb band in ok769 and a ~3.1kb band in N2: ok769L 5' CCT GGT ACA GTA TTT AGG CG; 3' ok769R 5' CTT TCA GTC CGT TGA GCT TC 3'.
CX652 C. elegans kyIs235 V; syg-1(ky652) X. Show Description
kyIs235 [unc-86::snb-1::YFP + unc-4p::lin-10::RFP(intron) + odr-1::RFP]. Also known as unc-86::VAMP::YFP. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CX7102 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) qaIs2241 X. Show Description
qaIs2241 [gcy-36::egl-1 + gcy-35::GFP + lin-15(+)].
CY251 C. elegans sqt-1(sc13) age-1(mg44) II; bvIs2. Show Description
bvIs2 contains [ric-19p::age-1(cDNA)::myc::unc-54 3'UTR + mec-7::GFP]. sqt-1(sc13) causes recessive left-handed rollers. bvIs2 rescues mg44 dauer arrest and partially rescues mg44 longevity. Array can be detected by PCR (Fwd: 5'-GCA CAG TTT TAC GAA AGG AAC-3' / Rev: 5'-ACC ATC GTT TGC AGT TGT GG-3'). Reference: Iser WB, Gami MS, Wolkow CA. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 15;303(2):434-47.
CY262 C. elegans sqt-1(sc13) age-1(mg44) II; bvIs1. Show Description
bvIs1 contains [ges-1p::age-1(cDNA)::unc-54 3'UTR + mec-7::GFP]. sqt-1(sc13) causes recessive left-handed rollers. bvIs1 rescues mg44 dauer arrest and partially rescues mg44 longevity. Array can be detected by PCR (Fwd: 5'-GTC ATT TTG GCA CCA TAG GAG-3' / Rev: 5'-ACC ATC GTT TGC AGT TGT GG-3'). Reference: Iser WB, Gami MS, Wolkow CA. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 15;303(2):434-47.
CY397 C. elegans daf-16(mg242) I; sqt-1(sc13) age-1(mg109) II. Show Description
Sqt phenotype. The daf-16(mg242) allele is a dominant suppressor of age-1(mg109) daf-c phenotype. mg242 is a nonsense mutation Trp220Amb.
CY398 C. elegans daf-16(mg255) I; sqt-1(sc13) age-1(mg109) II. Show Description
Sqt phenotype. The daf-16(mg255) allele is a dominant suppressor of age-1(mg109) daf-c phenotype. mg255 is a nonsense mutation Try144Amb.
CY573 C. elegans bvIs5. Show Description
bvIs5 [cyp-35B1p::GFP + gcy-7p::GFP]. Little or no GFP expression in adults. GFP expressed in intestine of dauers. Reference: Iser WB, et al. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 9;6(3):e17369.
CY577 C. elegans bvIs6. Show Description
bvIs6 [cat-4p::GFP + gcy-7p::GFP]. GFP localized to intestine, neurons and hypodermis in adults. GFP localized to neurons and seam cells in dauers. Reference: Iser WB, et al. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 9;6(3):e17369.
CZ10123 C. elegans rabx-5(qa7800) III. Show Description
rabx-5(qa7800) mutants show decreased protein localization of YFP::RAB-5 in the cell bodies but increased protein localization within the dorsal cord in both synaptic and intersynaptic regions
CZ1072 C. elegans unc-62(e917) V. Show Description
Inversion which may serve as a balancer for the center of LG V. Maternal effect lethal allele which results in 57% embryonic arrest, 40% larval arrest, and 3% which survive to be fertile adults with a variety of defects including Egl, Unc and Vab.
CZ1566 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) juIs109 X. Show Description
juIs109 [efn-4::GFP + lin-15(+)] X. Superficailly wild-type. GFP expression detected under high power in a subset of head neurons, primary vulval cells, and a pair of pharyngeal neurons. Reference: Chin-Sang ID, et al. Development. 2002 Dec;129(23):5499-510.
CZ16518 C. elegans juEx4796. Show Description
juEx4796 [col-19p::mito::GFP + ttx-3p::RFP]. Pick animals with red fluorescence to maintain array. Transgenic animals express mito::GFP in the hypodermis. Reference: Fu H, et al. Nat Commun. 2020 Feb 26;11(1):1050. PMID: 32103012.
CZ1774 C. elegans vab-1(e856) ptp-3(op147)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
mIs14 [myo-2::GFP + pes-10::GFP]. Homozygous lethal double mutant balanced by GFP- and dpy-10-marked inversion. Pick wild-type GFP+ to maintain. Heterozygotes are wild-type with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate wild-type GFP+, Dpy bright GFP+ (mIn1 homozygotes), and non-GFP homozygous vab-1 ptp-1 double mutants. vab-1 ptp-1 double mutants (non-GFP) are embryonic lethal. Reference: Harrington RJ, et al. Development. 2002 May;129(9):2141-53.
CZ18412 C. elegans juSi94 II; rps-18(ok3353) IV; glo-4(ok623) V; juEx5515. Show Description
juSi94 [GFP11::rps-18 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. juEx5515 [unc-25p::GFP1-10 + unc-25p::mCherry::rab-3 + ttx-3p::RFP]. Pick ttx-3::RFP to maintain. GABAergic motor neuron-specific expression of split GFP reporter allows visualization of ribosomes in neurons, and GABAergic motor neuron-specific expression of mCherry::rab-3. Reference: Noma et al Elife. 2017 Aug 2;6. pii: e26376. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26376.
CZ22695 C. elegans juEx6908. Show Description
juEx6908 [nmr-1p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + nmr-1p::mCherry + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Interneuron expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator). Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ22698 C. elegans juEx6911. Show Description
juEx6911 [unc-25p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + unc-25p::mCherry + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in GABAergic motor neurons. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ22703 C. elegans juEx6916. Show Description
juEx6916 [myo-3p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + myo-3p::mCherry + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in body wall muscles. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ22714 C. elegans miro-3(ju1310) juSi271 I; miro-1(ju1306) IV; miro-2(ju1309) X. Show Description
juSi271 [col-19p::mito::Dendra2]. Superficially wild-type with altered mitochondrial morphology. Fluorescent reporter labels hypodermal mitochondria. Reference: Xu S, et al. J Genet Genomics. 2016 Feb 20;43(2):103-6.
CZ2274 C. elegans efn-4(bx80) efn-2(ev658) IV; efn-3(ev696) X. Show Description
bx80 was previously called mab-26(bx80): Extensive ray fusion involving all 9 rays; Larva have Vab phenotype with decreasing expressivity in adult; Hermaphrodites have swollen tail and anus. Vab, embryonic ventral enclosure defects, male ray fusions. Slow growth.
CZ23277 C. elegans juEx7101. Show Description
juEx7101 [col-19p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Adult epidermal expression of PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator). Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ23279 C. elegans juEx7103. Show Description
juEx7103 [unc-17p(beta)::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + acr-2p::mCherry + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in cholinergic motor neurons. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271. [NOTE: strain was previously described as carrying ttx-3::GFP, but appears to be ttx-3::RFP instead.]
CZ23281 C. elegans juEx7105. Show Description
juEx7105 [mec-4p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + mec-4p::mCherry + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in mechanosensory neurons. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ23908 C. elegans rab-8(tm2526) I; muIs32 II. Show Description
muIs32 [mec-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Homozygous viable. Reference: Kim KW, et al. Elife. 2018 Nov 21;7:e39756. doi: 10.7554/eLife.39756. PMID: 30461420
CZ24092 C. elegans gip-2(lt19[gip-2::GFP::loxP::Cbr-unc-119(+)::loxP]) I; ltSi953 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi953 [mec-18p::vhhGFP4::ZIF-1::operon-linker::mKate2::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. GFP tag inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous gip-2 locus using CRISPR-Cas9 engineering. Tissue-specific expression of GFP nanobody::ZIF-1 fusion promotes ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of GFP-tagged gip-2 protein in touch receptor neurons. Touch receptor neurons are red labeled with mKate2. Reference: Development. 2017 Jul 15;144(14):2694-2701. PMID: 28619826.
CZ24274 C. elegans dhc-1(lt45[dhc-1::GFP]) I; ltSi953 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi953 [mec-18p::vhhGFP4::ZIF-1::operon-linker::mKate2::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. GFP tag inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous dhc-1 locus using CRISPR-Cas9 engineering. Tissue-specific expression of GFP nanobody::ZIF-1 fusion promotes ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of GFP-tagged dhc-1 protein in touch receptor neurons. Touch receptor neurons are red labeled with mKate2. Reference: Development. 2017 Jul 15;144(14):2694-2701. PMID: 28619826.
CZ24969 C. elegans sphk-1(ju831) II. Show Description
Aldicarb resistant. Reference: McCulloch KA, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2017 Jul 5;7(7):2055-2063.
CZ24990 C. elegans unc-44(ju1412[unc-44::GFP]) IV. Show Description
Endogenous unc-44 locus tagged for UNC-44L::GFP expression. The long isoform of UNC-44 is specific to neuronal expression. Reference: Chen F, Chisholm AD, Jin Y. Development. 2017 Feb 15;144(4):698-707.
CZ25013 C. elegans unc-44(ju1413[unc-44::gfp::LoxP::3xflag]) IV. Show Description
unc-44(ju1413[unc-44::GFP::LoxP::3xflag]) IV. UNC-44C (short isoform of UNC-44) tagged with GFP. UNC-44C is strongly expressed in multiple tissues: nervous system (from 1.5-fold stage to adult), epidermis (from early embryo to adult), seam cells (from L1 to L4), vulva (from L3 to adult), and spermatheca/sheath cells (from L4 to adult). Reference: Chen F, Chisholm AD, Jin Y. Development. 2017 Feb 15;144(4):698-707.
CZ25708 C. elegans prg-1(ju1574) I. Show Description
Temperature sensitive sterility: maintain at 15-20C. prg-1(ju1574) mutant animals become sterile at the fifth generation grown at 25C. prg-1(ju1574) contains two mutations in the PIWI domain active site (RNaseH/slicer) [D583A, Y585A]. Mutation of the first conserved aspartate of the catalytic triad (D-D-H motif) to alanine (D583A) created an A-D-H motif which abolishes slicer activity in Argonaute proteins. WT: [GTCGGCTACGATCTGTACCACGACTCGACATTGAAAGGAAAAACT --> VGYDLYHDSTLKGKT] ju1574: [GTCGGCTACGcgCTGgctCAtGAtTCGACATTGAAAGGAAAAACT --> CGYALAHDSTLKGKT] Forward genotyping primer: GTAATGCTCGCTGACGACAA Reverse genotyping primer: TTGACGAACTGTGGAACCAA Reference: Kim KW, et al. Neuron. 2018 Feb 7;97(3):511-519.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.01.014.
CZ2611 C. elegans vab-2(ju1) efn-2(ev658) IV; efn-3(ev696) X. Show Description
vab-2(ju1) has embryonic lethality (12%) and notched heads (about 40%). vab-2(ju1) is considered a null allele (W30opal), and was previously called efn-1. Vab, embryonic ventral enclosure defects, male ray fusions.
CZ26606 C. elegans vwa-8(ju1659) X. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Reference: Zhu, M, et al. A null mutation of C. elegans vwa-8. microPublication Biology.
CZ26660 C elegans micu-1(ju1155) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested nT1[qIs51] aneuploids, and non-GFP micu-1 homozygotes. Homozygous nT1[qIs51] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Reference: Tang NH, et al. Curr Biol. 2020 Jan 15. pii: S0960-9822(19)31694-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.061.
CZ27190 C. elegans juIs550. Show Description
juIs550 [mec-4p::mito::GCaMP5 + ttx-3p::RFP]. Mitochondrial calcium reporter expressed in touch neurons. Reference: Tang NH, et al. Curr Biol. 2020 Mar 9;30(5):865-876.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.061. PMID: 31983639
CZ27508 C elegans micu-1(ju1783[micu-1::gfp]) IV. Show Description
GFP reporter inserted into C-terminus of endogenous micu-1 locus. Diffuse GFP signals throughout the body. Reference: Tang NH, et al. Curr Biol. 2020 Jan 15. pii: S0960-9822(19)31694-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.061.
CZ27748 C. elegans vwa-8(ju1799[vwa-8::GFP::3xFLAG]) X. Show Description
Endogenous vwa-8 locus tagged with GFP and 3xFLAG. VWA-8::GFP is expressed in mitochondria of hypodermis, intestine, and muscle, but not detectable in neurons. Reference: Zhu, M, et al. A null mutation of C. elegans vwa-8. microPublication Biology.
CZ29001 C. elegans muIs32 II; degt-1(ok3307) V. Show Description
muIs32 [mec-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. GFP-labeled touch receptor neurons showing wild-type-like morphology. Derived by out-crossing parental ok3307 strain to remove a linked mutation in rpm-1. Reference: Jin EJ & Jin Y. (2022). A mutation linked to degt-1(ok3307) in C. elegans strain VC2633 affects rpm-1. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000565. PMC ID: PMC9073554.]
CZ3103 C. elegans juIs167. Show Description
juIs167 [vab-19::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Integrated by UV/TMP. Rollers. Received new stock Feb 2005.
CZ333 C. elegans juIs1 IV. Show Description
juIs1 [unc-25p::snb-1::GFP + lin-15(+)] IV. GFP expression in presynaptic terminals of GABAergic DD and VD motor neurons and RME neurons. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Hallan SJ and Jin Y. Nature. 1998 Sep 3;395(6697):78-82.
CZ337 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) II. Show Description
Strong Vab-1 phenotype. About 50% embryonic lethality and about 30% larval lethality. Genetic null.
CZ3391 C. elegans vab-3(ju468) X. Show Description
Vab. Notched Head. Distal tip cell Mig. Male tail ray and spicule defects. Males do not mate. About 50% larval lethality. H and B cell lineage defects. Received new stock Jan. 2006.