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ZM5488 C. elegans hpIs202. Show Description
hpIs202 [ceh-10p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. GFP is expressed by four neurons RID, AIY, CAN, ALA, and one sheath cell. References: Wang et al., 2015. Development 142(8):1447-57. doi: 10.1242/dev.119479. Lim et al., 2016. Elife 5. pii: e19887. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19887.
ZM607 C. elegans syd-2(ok217) X. Show Description
Egl. Backward stiff and slow moving. Sluggish. Can move fast when poked. Outer pairs: F59F5.6EL1 (TTGCATCTGCAAAAGAAACG); F59F5.6ER1 (GCTCCGAACGAAAGAAGTTG). Inner pairs: F59F5.6IL1 (AATCTCTAACCATGCGGTCG); F59F5.6IR1 (CGCGGGAATTATGCCTATTA).
ZM6523 C. elegans hpDf761 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
hpDf761 removes ins-4, ins-5, and ins-6. Reference: Hung WL, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60.
ZM6686 C. elegans hpIs289. Show Description
hpIs289 [nca-2p::nca-2::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Rescuing NCA-2::GFP transgene. Originally inserted into nca-2 unc-77 lin-15 triple mutant background and twice outcrossed to N2. Reference: Xie L, et al. Neuron. 2013 Mar 20;77(6):1069-82. PMID: 23522043.
ZM6725 C. elegans hpIs290. Show Description
hpIs290 [nca-1p::nca-1::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Rescuing NCA-1::GFP transgene. Originally inserted into nca-2; unc-77; lin-15 triple mutant background and twice outcrossed to N2. Reference: Xie L, et al. Neuron. 2013 Mar 20;77(6):1069-82. PMID: 23522043.
ZM6804 C. elegans hpIs270. Show Description
hpIs270 [rig-3p::FRT::stop::FRT::ChR2(H134R)::wCherry + nmr-1p::FLP + lin-15(+)]. ChR2 activation in AVA neurons upon exposure to blue light (470 nm). Slightly slow growth. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife, 7, e29915. PMID: 29360035
ZM7054 C. elegans hpIs321. Show Description
hpIs321 [nmr-1p::tomm20::miniSOG::SL2::RFP + lin-15(+)]. MiniSOG neurons ablation (AVA/AVE/AVD/others). Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. PMID: 29360035
ZM7055 C. elegans hpEx2999. Show Description
hpEx2999 [ins-4::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Pick Rollers to maintain. GFP-tagged INS-4::GFP expression driven by its own promoter and UTR. GFP expression in ASI, ASJ, some motor neurons, and punctate expression along dorsal cord as well. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Hung WL, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60. PMID: 23665919
ZM7212 C. elegans unc-77(gk9); nca-2(gk5); hpIs166; hpEx3088. Show Description
hpIs166 [glr-1p::chop-2(H134R)::YFP + lin-15(+)]. YFP expression in glr-1 interneurons. hpEx3088 [rgef-1p::ATG::nca-1 + nca-1::GFP + myo-2p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Reference: Gao S, et al. 2015 Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6323.
ZM7419 C. elegans hpIs363. Show Description
hpIs363 [sra-11p::ChR2::YFP + ttx-3p::RFP]. YFP expression in AVA. RFP expression in AIY. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM7465 C. elegans hpIs321; hpIs331; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs321 [nmr-1p::miniSOG::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs331 [lgc-55p::miniSOG::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM7646 C. elegans unc-77(gk9); nca-2(gk5); hpIs166; hpEx3197. Show Description
hpIs166 [glr-1p::chop-2(H134R)::YFP + lin-15(+)]. YFP expression in glr-1 interneurons. hpEx3197 [sto-6p::ATG::nca-1 + nca-1::GFP + odr-1p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP in cholinergic neurons to maintain. Body curvature becomes deeper in some transgenic animals. Reference: Gao S, et al. 2015 Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6323.
ZM7648 C. elegans unc-77(gk9); nca-2(gk5); hpIs166; hpEx3195. Show Description
hpIs166 [glr-1p::chop-2(H134R)::YFP + lin-15(+)]. YFP expression in glr-1 interneurons. hpEx3195 [unc-25p::ATG::nca-1 + nca-1::GFP + odr-1p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP in GABAergic neurons to maintain. Reference: Gao S, et al. 2015 Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6323.
ZM7656 C. elegans hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. RFP expression in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM7691 C. elegans hpIs371. Show Description
hpIs371 [unc-4p::tomm20::miniSOG::SL2::RFP + lin-15(+)]. MiniSOG neuron ablation marker for A-class (A-MNs) and other motor neurons. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. PMID: 29360035
ZM7696 C. elegans hpIs376. Show Description
hpIs376 [unc-25p::tomm20::miniSOG::SL2::RFP]. Maintain in the covered box to avoid unnecessary exposure to ambient light. Stimulation with blue light (460 nm LED light for 30 min at 4 Hz with 2 mW/mm2), induces mitochondrial-miniSOG ablation of D-class motor neurons. During neuron ablation, it is recommended to keep the lid of the plate open and use a heat disipator to keep the air cool. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. doi: 10.7554/eLife.29915.
ZM7765 C. elegans unc-77(gk9); nca-2(gk5); hpIs166; hpEx3239. Show Description
hpIs166 [glr-1p::chop-2(H134R)::YFP + lin-15(+)]. YFP expression in glr-1 interneurons. hpEx3239 [lgc-55p::nca-1::GFP + nmr-1p::ATG::nca-1 + nca-1::GFP + myo-2p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Reference: Gao S, et al. 2015 Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6323.
ZM7963 C. elegans hpDf761 II; daf-28(tm2308) V. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive Daf-c. Maintain at 15C. hpDf761 removes ins-4, ins-5, and ins-6. Reference: Hung WL, et al. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1767-79.
ZM8230 C. elegans ubr-1(hp684) I. Show Description
hp684(Q1864X) mutant animals generate reversal movement with little flexing of the posterior body, and the stiffness is prominent during prolonged reversals. This phenotype is progressive, and most prominent when animals develop from the L4 stage larvae into adults. Reference: Chitturi JH, et al. PLoS Genetics. 2018;14(4):e1007303.
ZM8428 C. elegans hpIs459. Show Description
hpIs459 [unc-4p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Strong GCaMP3 and wCherry expression in A-class motor neurons, as well as some head and tail neurons. It is recommended to use L4 stage animals when using this strain for calcium imaging and recording. Transgene expression becomes dimmer in many A-class neurons (except DA9), and is expression in VC neurons of adults. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife, 7, e29915. PMID: 29360035
ZM8561 C. elegans daf-2(m596) III; hpEx2906. Show Description
hpEx2906 [myo-2p::RFP + rgef-1p::daf-2]. Transgenic worms dauer easily. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. [NOTE: (07-14-2015) The genotype of this strain was incorrectly reported as daf-2(e1370), but is in fact daf-2(m596).] References: Hung W, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60. Hung W, et al. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1767-79.
ZM8562 C. elegans daf-2(m596) III; hpEx3369. Show Description
hpEx3369 [myo-2p::RFP + ges-1p(short)::daf-2]. Transgenic worms do not dauer. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. [NOTE: (07-14-2015) The genotype of this strain was incorrectly reported as daf-2(e1370), but is in fact daf-2(m596).] References: Hung W, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60. Hung W, et al. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1767-79.
ZM8614 C. elegans hpIs372; hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs372 [acr-5p::miniSOG::SL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Red fluorescence in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM8615 C. elegans hpIs371; hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs371 [unc-4p::miniSOG::SL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Red fluorescence in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM8874 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3371. Show Description
hpEx3371 [rgef-1p::GFP::daf-16a::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic animals have GFP in gut and RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals are dauer-defective (Daf-d). Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM8958 C. elegans hpIs569. Show Description
hpIs569 [unc-4::Chrimson::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Marker for optogenetic stimulation in A-class (A-MNs) and other motor neurons. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. PMID: 29360035
ZM8969 C.elegans flp-14(gk1055) III. Show Description
Sluggish, flat, slightly sterile. Derived by out-crossing parental strain VC1957. Reference: Lim MA, et al. Elife. 2016 Nov 18;5:e19887. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19887. PMID: 27855782
ZM8988 C. elegans daf-2(m596) III; hpEx2908. Show Description
hpEx2908 [myo-2p::RFP + dpy-30p::daf-2]. Transgenic worms do not dauer. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. [NOTE: (07-14-2015) The genotype of this strain was incorrectly reported as daf-2(e1370), but is in fact daf-2(m596).] References: Hung W, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60. Hung W, et al. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1767-79.
ZM9028 C. elegans daf-2(m596) III; hpEx2905. Show Description
hpEx2905 [myo-2p::RFP + myo-3p::daf-2]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Maintain at 15C. Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. [NOTE: (07-14-2015) The genotype of this strain was incorrectly reported as daf-2(e1370), but is in fact daf-2(m596).] References: Hung W, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60. Hung W, et al. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1767-79.
ZM9078 C. elegans hpIs587. Show Description
hpIs587 [flp-14p::GCaMP6::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. CGaMP6 and wCherry expressed in RID, ALA, some head neurons, a mid-body neuron and a tail neuron. Reference: Lim et al., 2016. Elife 5. pii: e19887. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19887.
ZM9123 C. elegans hpIs590. Show Description
hpIs590 [ttr-39p::tomm20::miniSOG::SL2::BFP]. Maintain in the covered box to avoid unnecessary exposure to ambient light. Stimulation with blue light (460 nm LED light for 30 min at 4 Hz with 2 mW/mm2), induces mitochondrial-miniSOG ablation of D-class motor neurons. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. doi: 10.7554/eLife.29915.
ZM9128 C. elegans hpIs595. Show Description
hpIs595 [acr-2(s)p::GCaMP6s::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Red fluorescence in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9172 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; ljIs131. Show Description
ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9313 C. elegans hpIs625; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs625 [ttr-39p::Arch::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9429 C. elegans zxIs6; ljIs131. Show Description
zxIs6 [unc-17p::ChR2::YFP + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Body contracts and coils dorsally upon blue light illumination on ATR plates. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9441 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3370. Show Description
hpEx3370 [dpy-30p::daf-16a::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic strain expressing DAF-16A isoform from pan-tissue dpy-30 promoter. Transgenic animals have RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals are dauer-defective (Daf-d). Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM9442 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3373. Show Description
hpEx3373 [ges-1p::GFP::daf-16a::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic animals have GFP in gut and RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals will not form dauers. Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM9443 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3507. Show Description
hpEx3507 [ges-1p::GFP::daf-16d/f::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic animals have GFP in gut and RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals will not form dauers. Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM9444 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3508. Show Description
hpEx3508 [ges-1p::daf-16a,d&f + myo-2p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. ges-1 promoter drives expression DAF-16A,D&F transgene in intestine. Transgenic animals have RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals are dauer-defective (Daf-d). Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM9519 C. elegans flp-14(gk1055) III; hpSi38; hpIs201. Show Description
hpSi38 [flp-14(+) + NeoR]. hpIs201[ceh-10p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. GFP expression in RID neuron. Neomycin-resistant. hpSi38 is a single copy miniMos insertion a wild-type genomic fragment containing flp-14 and fully rescues the flp-14 mutant behavioral defects and RID axon defects. Reference: Lim MA, et al. Elife. 2016 Nov 18;5:e19887. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19887. PMID: 27855782
ZM9551 C. elegans hpIs593; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs593 [ttr-39p::Chrimson::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. D motor neuron activation and muscle relaxation upon illumination with green light. Muscle activity measured by GCaMP3. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9573 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; zxIs6; ljIs131. Show Description
zxIs6 [unc-17p::ChR2::YFP + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. Cholinergic activation. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9624 C. elegans lin-15(n765) X; hpIs675. Show Description
hpIs675 [rgef-1p::GCaMP6s::3xNLS::mNeptune + lin-15(+)]. Worms express GCaMP6s and mNeptune in all neuronal nuclei. Pan-neuronal imaging strain; suitable for rapid whole-brain imaging due to brightness, good signal to noise ratio, and relative resistance to photo-bleaching. Reference: Susoy V, et al. Cell. 2021 Sep 30;184(20):5122-5137.e17. PMID: 34534446
ZM9648 C. elegans hpIs673; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs673 [rgef-1p::Chrimson::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. All neurons are marked with red fluorescence. Pan-neuronal activation and muscle contraction upon green light illumination with ATR. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9660 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; hpIs673; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs673 [rgef-1p::Chrimson::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. All neurons are marked with red fluorescence. Pan-neuronal activation and muscle contraction upon green light illumination with ATR. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZR1 C. elegans rbr-2(tm1231) IV. Show Description
648 bp deletion (confirmed). About 80% of animals show defects in vulval development (Muv or Vul).
ZR2 C. elegans jmjd-3.1(gk384) X. Show Description
Gonadal enlargement and aberrant gonad migration. Phenotype evident at 25C.
ZT2 C. elegans drh-3(fj52) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. drh-3 homozygotes are sterile. the fj52 mutation deletes a 405 bp region including the promoter, the first exon and half of the second exon. The deletion can be checked by PCR with the following primers: TTTATTGATTCCGCCGTTGCTC and TGCAGCTCCAGCCACTCTATCA. The fj52 mutation was isolated from a deletion mutant libray of the K. Nishiwaki group. Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable.
ZT24 C. elegans vsra-1(tm1637) I; fjSi3 II. Show Description
fjSi3 [HA_2×FLAG::C04F12.1 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy insertion in the MosSCI locus ttTi5605 (LG II). The HA_2×FLAG::C04F12.1 transgene was designed to express a protein with an HA tag and a double FLAG tag inserted after S21 of C04F12.1. The linker sequence between the HA tag and the double FLAG tag has a NotI site. The insertion can be checked by PCR with the following primers: GGAGCCGATTTGTTCCAGTC (at the 3'-side of C04F12.1) and ATCGGGAGGCGAACCTAACTG (near ttTi5605 on LG II). vsra-1 is also known as csr-2/C04F12.1. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT29 C. elegans cec-4(ok3124) cec-5(fj58) IV. Show Description
Maintain at 20C or lower. The cec-4 cec-5 double mutant exhibits partial sterility and no significant defects in chromosome segregation. The chromodomain proteins CEC-4 and CEC-5 are phylogenetically similar to CEC-8. ok3124 is a 374-bp deletion located in the region of the gene corresponding to the N-terminus of CEC-4 (F32E10.2). The ok3124 deletion can be detected by PCR with the following primers: CAATTAAAATGCCAGTGCGA and TTTAGGATGCATTATGGGGC. fj58 is a 398-bp deletion located in the gene region corresponding to the N-terminus of CEC-5 (F32E10.6). The fj58 deletion can be detected by PCR with the following primers: GCAAAGAAATCATCCGGTAGTG and CTTTGTAGCAACAGGCTCCTC. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.