Rearrangement Information

NamemnDp33 View on WormBase
DescriptionHandling: Easy to manipulate. Males carrying the duplication mate well. Recommended use: General balancing; strain construction, strain maintenance. Summary: Translocated duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal X. Effective balancer for small region of left portion of LG X, from lin-18 to osm-5 (inclusive).
Genetic positiongenetic position unknown or not listed
Genomic positiongenomic coordinates unknown or not listed

Strains carrying this rearrangement

Strain Genotype Species Description
DM3409 mnDp33 (X;IV)/+ IV; spc-1(ra409) X. C. elegans Animals heterozygous for mnDp33 are WT and segregate WT and lethals. Animals which have lost mnDp33 arrest as two fold L1 larvae. Animals which are homozygous for mnDp33 are also larval lethal (L1-L2).
GR1028 mnDp33 (X;IV)/+ IV; let-43(mg49) lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Animals heterozygous for mnDp33 are Lon and segregate Lon and larval lethals. (Animals which have lost mnDp33 are larval lethal. Animals which are homozygous for mnDp33 are also larval lethal (L1-L2).)
LX658 mnDp33 (X;IV)/+ IV; unc-20(e112) rgs-7(vs92) X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT. Animals which have lost the duplication are Unc and homozygous for rgs-7. Animals which are homozygous for the duplication are dead. Unc is temperature sensitive. vs92 is a 361 bp deletion which removes the 3' splice site of exon 6, all of exon 7 and half of exon 8. All of the deleted region is within the RGS domain.
SP309 mnDp33 (X;IV)/+ IV; unc-20(e112) X. C. elegans Segregates Unc and WT. Maintain by picking WT.