Gene Information: mrt-1

Namemrt-1 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionI:3.02 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionI: 8660831..8663105

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
YA1039 mrt-1(yp2) I. yp2 mutation perturbs the MRT-1 DNA-binding domain. Mortal germline. Progressive telomere shortening due to telomerase dysfunction. Hypersensitive to DNA interstrand crosslinking agents. This strain will become sterile after propagating 10-20 generations. mrt-1 mutants can be rejuvenated by outcrossing. Reference: Meier B, et al. EMBO J. 2009 Nov 18;28(22):3549-63.
YA1116 mrt-1(tm1354) I. Null allele. Mortal germline. Progressive telomere shortening due to telomerase dysfunction. Hypersensitive to DNA interstrand crosslinking agents. This strain will become sterile after propagating 10-20 generations. mrt-1 mutants can be rejuvenated by outcrossing. Reference: Meier B, et al. EMBO J. 2009 Nov 18;28(22):3549-63.
YA893 mrt-1(e2662) I. Null allele. Mortal germline. Progressive telomere shortening due to telomerase dysfunction. Hypersensitive to DNA interstrand crosslinking agents. This strain will become sterile after propagating 10-20 generations. mrt-1 mutants can be rejuvenated by outcrossing. Reference: Meier B, et al. EMBO J. 2009 Nov 18;28(22):3549-63. [NOTE: allele is incorrectly described as e2661 in this publication.]