Gene Information: wsp-1
Name | wsp-1 View on WormBase |
Species | C. elegans |
Sequence | C07G1.4 |
Genetic position | IV:3.66 +/- 0.003 cM |
Genomic position | IV: 8188904..8198951 |
Strains carrying this gene
Strain | Genotype | Description |
FT1459 | unc-119(ed3); xnIs506. | xnIs506 [cdc42p::GST::GFP::wsp-1(GBD) + unc-119(+)]. Biosensor for active CDC-42. In epithelia, GFP is enriched at junctions between epithelial cells. Some signal is in the nucleus (this signal is reduced by addition of GST, which makes the transgenic protein larger). Reference: Zilberman, Y., J. Abrams, D.C. Anderson, and J. Nance. 2017. Cdc42 regulates junctional actin but not cell polarization in the Caenorhabditis elegans epidermis. J Cell Biol 216: 3729-3744. |
GOU1861 | wsp-1a(cas723[gfp::wsp-1a] IV; arx-2(cas725[arx-2::TagRFP]) V. | Constructed by crossing individual fluorescence knock-in worms. TagRFP inserted into the endogenous arx-2 gene at its C-terminus and GFP inserted into the endogenous wsp-1a gene at its N-terminus by Cas9-triggered homologous recombination. |
NG324 | wsp-1(gm324) IV. | Low penetrance (about 25%) embryonic lethality and reduced brood size. wsp-1(gm324) is an N-terminal deletion that exhibits no observable mRNA or protein. |