Gene Information: sqv-8

Namesqv-8 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionII:1.63 +/- 0.001 cM
Genomic positionII: 9646978..9649367

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
EU2906 sqv-8(or1112) II; unc-119(ed3) ruIs32 III; ojIs1; orIs21. ruIs32 [pie-1p::GFP::H2B + unc-119(+)] III. ojIs1 [pie-1p::GFP::tbb-2 + unc-119(+)]. orIs21 [pie-1p::GFP::PH]. Embryonic lethal at 26C. Maintain at 15C. Temperature-sensitive embryonic lethal following L4 upshift; germline defective following L1 upshift. Reference: Lowry J, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Aug 26;5(11):2241-55.
EU2914 sqv-8(or888) II; unc-119(ed3) ruIs32 III. ruIs32 [pie-1p::GFP::H2B + unc-119(+)] III. Embryonic lethal at 26C. Maintain at 15C. Temperature-sensitive embryonic lethal following L4 upshift; germline defective following L1 upshift. Reference: Lowry J, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Aug 26;5(11):2241-55.
MT7480 sqv-8(n2825)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUncs and Sqvs which have and abnormal vulva from mid-L4 and are somewhat sterile.
MT7483 sqv-8(n2822)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUncs and Sqvs which have and abnormal vulva from mid-L4 and are sterile.
SP174 sqv-8(mn63) unc-4(e120)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Hets are WT and segregate WT, Sterile Unc-4, and paralysed DpyUnc. Maintain by picking WT. mn63 pka spe-2. See also WBPaper00003405 and #3406.