Gene Information: aex-6

Nameaex-6 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionI:21.43 +/- 0.045 cM
Genomic positionI: 13543068..13545188

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
JT24 aex-6(sa24) I. aBoc and Exp defective. Constipated.
JT699 aex-6(sa699) I. Hid. Con. Egl. Lethargic. Moderately Ric.
NM2777 aex-6(sa24) I; rab-3(js49) II.
XE1873 aex-6(sa24) I; oxIs12 X. oxIs12 [unc-47p::GFP] X. GFP expression in GABA neurons. aex-6 a.k.a. rab-27. Reference: Sekine Y, et al. Cell reports. 2018; 23(2):415-428.
XE1890 aex-6(sa24) I; wpEx287. wpEx287 [unc-47p::aex-6::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. aex-6 a.k.a. rab-27. Reference: Sekine Y, et al. Cell reports. 2018; 23(2):415-428.
XE1910 aex-6(sa699) I; oxIs12 X. oxIs12 [unc-47p::GFP] X. GFP expression in GABA neurons. High regeneration. aex-6 a.k.a. rab-27. Reference: Sekine Y, et al. Cell reports. 2018; 23(2):415-428.