Gene Information: odr-3

Nameodr-3 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionV:5.00 +/- 0.012 cM
Genomic positionV: 13246324..13249536

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
CX2205 odr-3(n2150) V. Defective chemotaxis to many volative odorants. Defective osmotic avoidance (osm). Defective chemotaxis to some water-soluble attractants (che).
CX3222 odr-3(n1605) V. Reference: Roayaie K, et al. Neuron. 1998 Jan;20(1):55-67.
MT4810 odr-3(n2046) V. Chemotaxis defective.
NL2105 gpa-3(pk35) odr-3(n1605) V. Osm. Odr; defective chemotaxis toward various odors. Reference: Lans H, Rademakers S, Jansen G. Genetics. 2004 Aug;167(4):1677-87.