Gene Information: lin-8

Namelin-8 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionII:-8.63 +/- 0.022 cM
Genomic positionII: 3056822..3060207

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
CB1322 lin-8(n111) II; lin-9(n112) III. Multivulva.
MT10591 lin-8(n2731) II. SynMuv. Reference: Andersen EC, et al. Genetics. 2008 Aug;179(4):2001-12. Harrison MM, et al. Genetics. 2007 May;176(1):255-71.
MT111 lin-8(n111) II. WT phenotype. Synthetic Muv.
MT12839 lin-61(n3809) I; lin-8(n2731) II. SynMuv. Reference: Andersen EC, et al. Genetics. 2008 Aug;179(4):2001-12. Harrison MM, et al. Genetics. 2007 May;176(1):255-71.
MT1350 lin-8(n111) II; lin-9(n112) unc-86(e1416) III. Unc. Muv.
MT1624 lin-35(n745) I; lin-8(n111) II. Double mutant is Muv. lin-35 alone is non-Muv. lin-35 is a class B synthetic Muv.
MT1635 lin-8(n111) II; lin-37(n758) III. Double mutant is Muv. n758 alone is not Muv.
MT16530 lin-61(n3447) I; lin-8(n2731) II. Reference: Andersen EC, et al. Genetics. 2008 Aug;179(4):2001-12. Harrison MM, et al. Genetics. 2007 May;176(1):255-71.
MT1803 lin-8(n111) II; lon-1(e185) lin-37(n758) III. Long. Muv.
MT2147 lin-8(n111) II; unc-93(e1500) lin-9(n112) III. Rubberband Unc. Muv.
MT3026 lin-8(n111) II; sma-3(e491) lin-37(n758) unc-36(e251) III. Small. Unc. Muv.
MT3040 lin-8(n111) II; sma-3(e491) unc-36(e251) III. SmaUnc. Not Muv.
MT3061 lin-8(n111) II; sma-3(e491) lin-13(n387) unc-36(e251)/sma-3(e491) lin-37(n758) III. Heterozygotes are Sma. At 25C, hets segregate Sma, SmaMuv (lin-8; sma-3 lin-37), and SmaUncMuvSte (lin-8; sma-3 lin-13 unc-36). At 15C, hets segregate Sma, SmaMuv (lin-8; sma-3 lin-37) and SmaUnc which give sterile F2 (lin-8; sma-3 lin-13 unc-36). n387 is a ts maternal effect mutation.
MT555 lin-8(n111) dpy-10(e128) II. Dpy.
MT664 lin-8(n111) II; lin-15B(n374) X. Synthetic Muv.