BE16 |
bli-6(sc16) IV. |
Blistered cuticle. Recessive. |
DA1025 |
vab- (ad1026); egl-19(ad1025)/bli-6(sc16) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Impenetrant Vab - mostly tail; not mapped. Strain throws early larval lethals (ad1025 homozygotes) and Bli Uncs. |
DA740 |
bli-6(sc16) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Blistered Unc. |
DA768 |
bli-6(sc16) egl-19(ad695) unc-24(e138)/nDf41 IV. |
Heterozygotes are Blistered and Eat (terminal bulb relaxation defective). Heterozygotes segregate BliEat, BliEatUnc and dead eggs. ad695 previously called eat-12. |
DA949 |
bli-6(sc16) egl-19(n582) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Blistered cuticle. Egl-Lon, slow and floppy. Unc. |
DR1367 |
bli-6(sc16) mec-3(e1338) IV. |
Blistered. Mechanosensory abnormal. |
EG1020 |
bli-6(sc16) IV; dpy-11(e224) V; lon-2(e678) X. |
Dpy suppresses Bli and Lon. Strain appears to be only slightly Dpy. Useful for mapping, especially Unc mutations. Separately, dpy-11 causes dumpiness, bli-6 adult worms develop blisters on their bodies, and lon-2 worms are about 150% WT length. |
EH135 |
unc-44(e362) bli-6(sc16) IV. |
Blistered. Unc. |
JR2750 |
bli-6(sc16) unc-22(e66)/unc-24(e138) vha-17(w13) dpy-20(e2017) IV. |
Pick wild type animals to maintain. |
KJ487 |
vha-8(jh135)/bli-6(sc16) egl-19(ad695) unc-24(e318) IV. |
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Bli Unc, and dead larva. vha-8(jh135) homozygotes are larval lethal. |
MT1655 |
bli-6(n776) IV. |
Blistered cuticle. Dominant. |
MT5240 |
unc-5(e53) lin-33(n1043) bli-6(sc16) IV. |
Unc. Vul. Blistered. |
MT5242 |
unc-5(e53) bli-6(sc16) IV. |
Blistered Unc. |
MT7620 |
lin-45(n2506) unc-24(e138)/bli-6(sc16) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, UncVul, and BliUnc. |
SM1052 |
zen-4(px47) dpy-20(e1282)/bli-6(sc16) unc-24(e138) |
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Bli Uncs, and dead embryos and L1s (with Pun phenotype). |
SP316 |
bli-6(mn4) IV. |
Blistered cuticle. Dominant. |
ST14 |
mua-5(nc14)/bli-6(sc16) egl-19(n582) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, BliEglUnc, and animals with muscle attachment defects and ventral cord displacement and detachment which arrest in larval development. Not well balanced. |
ST15 |
ncIs2 II; mua-5(nc15)/bli-6(sc16) egl-19(n582) unc-24(e138) IV. |
ncIs2 [pH20::GFP + pBlueScript]. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, BliEglUnc, and animals with muscle attachment defects and ventral cord displacement and detachment which arrest in larval development. Not well balanced. Neurons visualized with ncIs2. |
ST17 |
mua-5(nc17)/bli-6(sc16) egl-19(n582) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, BliEglUnc, and animals with muscle attachment defects and ventral cord displacement and detachment which arrest in larval development. Not well balanced. |
ST18 |
mua-5(nc18)/bli-6(sc16) egl-19(n582) unc-24(e138) IV. |
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, BliEglUnc, and animals with muscle attachment defects and ventral cord displacement and detachment which arrest in larval development. Not well balanced. |