BC13861 |
dpy-5(e907) I; sIs13252. |
sIs13252[rCesF01G12.5a::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525). |
DH246 |
let-2(b246) X. |
Temperature sensitive embryonic lethal. Grows at 15C, 20C. Lethal at 25C (embryonic). See also CGC 1806. |
GG25 |
let-2(g25) X. |
Temperature sensitive. Maintain at 15C. See also CGC 1806. |
GG30 |
let-2(g30) X. |
Temperature sensitive. Maintain at 15C. No growth at 20C. See also CGC 1806. |
GG37 |
let-2(g37) X. |
Temperature sensitive. Maintain at 15C. See also WBPaper00001806. |
MT1679 |
unc-105(n490) II; lon-2(e678) let-2(n821) X. |
Long. n821 pka sup-20(n821). |
MT1720 |
unc-105(n490) II; let-2(n821) X. |
n490sd: curly Unc, Sma. n821: WT revertant of n490; extragenic; pka sup-20. See Science 273: 361-364 1996. |
MT2718 |
let-2(n1279) unc-3(e151) X; mnDp26 (X;f). |
n1279 is lethal. Animals which are alive contain the duplication. n1279 pka sup-20. |
MT3453 |
lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) let-2(b246) X. |
Temperature sensitive Muv. Temperature sensitive lethal above 20C. |
SP233 |
mnDp1 (X;V)/+ V; unc-3(e151) let-2(mn114) X. |
Pick wild-type to maintain. Segregates wild-type and lethals. mnDp1 duplication rescues unc-3 & let-2. mnDp1 is homozygous lethal. |
SP250 |
mnDp1 (X;V)/+ V; unc-3(e151) let-2(mn131) X. |
SP374 |
mnDp1 (X;V)/+ V; unc-3(e151) let-2(mn143) X. |
LETHAL EMBRYONIC RECESSIVE Pick WT to maintain. See also CGC 1806. |
SP423 |
mnDp1 (X;V)/+ V; unc-3(e151) let-2(mn153) X. |
LETHAL EMBRYONIC NULL ALLELE Maintain by picking WT. See also CGC 1806. |