Gene Information: tlk-1
Name | tlk-1 View on WormBase |
Species | C. elegans |
Sequence | C07A9.3 |
Genetic position | III:0.91 +/- 0.006 cM |
Genomic position | III: 9699876..9710268 |
Strains carrying this gene
Strain | Genotype | Description |
BC13845 | dpy-5(e907) I; sEx13845. | sEx13845 [rCes C07A9.3a::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525). |
JS604 | dpy-17(e164) tlk-1(tm2395) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). | Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and Dpy Stu homozygotes that are non-GFP. Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. |