BC3840 |
sDf69(s2298) unc-22(s7) lev-1(x22)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. |
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and dead eggs. Hets twitch in 1% nicotine. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to David Baillie. |
CB211 |
lev-1(e211) IV. |
Levamisole resistant. Recessive. Marginally Unc-No sin wave. WT adults. |
CB4570 |
lev-1(x577) gro-2(e2442) IV. |
Levamisole resistant. Slow growing. |
PJ1034 |
lev-1(e211) IV; ccIs55 V. |
ccIs55 [unc-54::lacZ + sup-7(st5)] V. Resistant to 1 mM levamisole. |
RB2355 |
lev-1(ok3201) IV. |
F09E8.7 Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: atcgattgctcgttgagctt. Outer Right Sequence: gctcgactttctcacttcgg. Inner Left Sequence: gctcatcatccagctcatca. Inner Right Sequence: ccgtgtcgatttttcggaat. Inner Primer PCR Length: 1300. Deletion size: about 600 bp. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807 |
ZZ21 |
lev-1(x21) tra-3(e2333) IV. |
Levamisole resistant. Unc. tra-3 mutation discovered late. See Hodgkin & Barnes 1991 for genotype details. |