Gene Information: dpy-20

Namedpy-20 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIV:5.22 +/- 0.004 cM
Genomic positionIV: 11696430..11700852

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
PS3351 dpy-20(e1282) syIs17 IV. syIs17 [pJMGoQLHS + (pMH86) dpy-20(+)] IV. Non-Dpy animals which at all stages progressively exhibit Go(gf) phenotype after heat shock treatment (standard treatment is 33C water bath for 30 minutes). Animals cease feeding, foraging, locomotion, ovulating and egg laying. Gravid adults eventually bag. "Suicides" are common. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS4263 egl-30(md186) I; dpy-20(e1282) IV; syIs105. syIs105 [egl-30::GFP + dpy-20(+)]. Translational fusion contains all of the presumptive 5'-transcriptional regulatory sequences, introns, and presumptive 3 regulatory sequences for egl-30, in addition to the coding sequences for GFP just 5' of the egl-30 initiating methionine. syIs105 was found to partially rescue egl-30(md186) with respect to egg laying, movement, pharyngeal pumping, and response to neurotransmitters in egg-laying assays.
PS468 let-60(sy100) dpy-20(e1282)/let-60(n1046) unc-22(s7) IV; him-5(e1490) V. Heterozygotes are weak Muv and segregate weak Muv, Muv Twitchers, and Dpy Vuls whose progeny are larval lethal. sy100 is a dominant negative allele of let-60. n1046 is a gain-of-function allele of let-60. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS524 let-60(sy100) dpy-20(e1282) IV/nT1 [let-?(m435)] (IV;V). Heterozygotes are non-Dpy Vul and segregate non-Dpy Vul, DpyVul whose progeny are dead, and dead eggs. sy100 is dominant Vul and recessive Lethal with maternal rescue: homozygotes from heterozygous mothers grow to adulthood and become a bag of dead larvae. sy100 is not 100% penetrant. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS99 dpy-20(e1362) IV. Severe Dpy. Cold sensitive: grow at 20C. Can be used for microinjection because rescued animals are easier to pick out than dpy-20(e1282) rescued animals. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
RV120 spe-44(ok1400) dpy-20(e1282)/let-92(s677) unc-22(s7) IV. Pick wild-type to maintain.
SM1052 zen-4(px47) dpy-20(e1282)/bli-6(sc16) unc-24(e138) Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Bli Uncs, and dead embryos and L1s (with Pun phenotype).
SP1471 unc-24(e138) dpy-20(e1282) IV.
SS360 mes-6(bn66) dpy-20(e1282) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Heterozygotes are Unc (n754 is dominant Unc and recessive lethal). Hets throw Dpys which give only sterile progeny. The maternal effect sterility is 99% expressed, 100% strict, and is associated with 1% maternal effect embryonic lethality.
TH11 unc-5(e53) dpy-20(e1282) IV. Unc. ts Dpy.
TN142 dpy-20(cn142) IV. Recessive Dpy. Rounded head. Reduced brood size
TN322 dpy-20(cn322) IV. Recessive Dpy. Rounded head.
TN326 dpy-20(cn326) IV. Recessive Dpy. Rounded head. Reduced brood size.
TU2589 dpy-20(e1282) IV; uIs25 X. uIs25 [mec-18::GFP + dpy-20(+)].
TY5434 syIs44 V. syIs44 [hsp-16p::lacI::GFP + lacO(256) + dpy-20(+)] V. Heatshock induces expression of lacI::GFP in the soma, which binds to integrated lacO arrays. lacI::GFP expression is silenced in the germline. Derived by out-crossing PS2442 to remove e1282. Reference: Severson AF & Meyer BJ. Elife. 2014 Aug 29;3:e03467.
TZ101 pxf-1(pk1331) dpy-20(e1362) IV; pkEx10. pkEx10 [T14G10 + dpy-20(+)]. Maintain by picking WT.
VT825 dpy-20(e1282) IV; maIs113. maIs113 [cki-1::GFP + dpy-20(+)]. Non-Dpy. cki-1::GFP is expressed in all arresting cells that have exited cell cycle.
WU48 lin-45(n2018) dpy-20(e1282) IV. Intermediate severity of lin-45 raf allele: at 20C, 76% larval lethal and 24% display an abnormal vulva (either Egl, no discernable vulva, or PVul). Medium Dpy. Received new stock 11/2002.
WU57 lin-45(n2510) unc-24(e138)/unc-5(e53) dpy-20(e1282) IV. Heterozygotes are non-Unc and segregate non-Unc, Sterile Unc, and Dpy Unc. n2510 is a strong lin-45 raf allele: 100% of homozygotes are Sterile and Vul (no discernable vulva) or larval lethal.