Gene Information: unc-76

Nameunc-76 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionV:7.32 +/- 0.013 cM
Genomic positionV: 15071760..15080152

Strains carrying this gene

Strain Genotype Description
BA585 spe-10(hc104) unc-76(e911) V. Unc. Temperature sensitive, maintain at 16C. Average progeny: at 16C= 7 +/- 5; at 25C= 0.1 +/- .1.
BC4586 unc-76(e911) rol-9(sc148)/sC4(s2172) [dpy-21(e428)] V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Unc Rollers. sC4(s2172) is not viable as a homozygote. As a heterozygote it reduces recombination between unc-76 and rol-9 to 1.8%. Note: This strain has been sequenced and the sC4 balancer contains a large deletion from V:16,060,619 to V:19,331,432 that removes 1,279 genes and has a complex rearrangement on LGIV. See Maroilley et al. Sci Reports (2021)11:18258 for more details.
BS518 ozDf1/sdc-3(y52y180) unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are slow growing with WT phenotype. Hets segregate more slow growing WT, embryonic lethals (ozDf1/ozDf1) and DpyUncs which are sick and have a maternal effect lethal (none of the offspring from the DpyUncs survive to reproduce). Maintain by picking WT.
CB2065 dpy-11(e224) unc-76(e911) V. DpyUnc.
CU6102 skr-1(sm151) I; unc-76(e911) V. sm151 is a semi-dominant allele of skr-1. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Killian DJ, et al. (2008) Dev Biol. 322(2):322-31.
CU7905 smIs350 IV; unc-76(e911) V. smIs350 [hsp-16::mCherry-NLS + tra-2::FLAG(3x) + unc-76(+)] IV. Some sterility. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Mapes J, et al. (2010) PNAS In press.
CU9087 unc-76(e911) V; smIs380. smIs380 [tra-2::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Some sterility. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Mapes J, et al. (2010) PNAS In press.
DA709 +/nT1 IV; sqt-3(sc63) eat-6(ad467) unc-76(e911)/nT1 V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and Sqt Unc larvae that grow very slowly.
DA869 sqt-3(sc8) lin-25(n545) him-5(e1467) unc-76(e911) V. Roller. Unc. Vulvaless. Throws males. sc8 previously called rol-4(sc8).
DR188 daf-11(m47) unc-76(e911) V. Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Dauer recovery poor at 15C. Unc.
DR96 unc-76(e911) V. Coiler Unc. Recessive. Easily scored.
EL129 ego-3(om40) unc-76(e911) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate additional hets, Unc-76 om40 homozygotes and dead eggs. om40 animals have multiple germline defects.
HS1215 unc-76(e911) V; osEx211. osEx211[apr-1::GFP + unc-76(+)]. This strain expresses functional APR-1::GFP driven by the apr-1 promoter. In the seam cells, just prior to the onset of mitosis, APR-1::GFP localizes to the anterior cortex.
HS1257 unc-76(e911) V; osEx219. osEx219 [pbrm-1::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. GFP expression in most somatic nuclei. Reference: Shibata Y, et al. Dev Biol. 2012 Jan 15;361(2):349-57.
HS1294 unc-76(e911) V; osEx225. osEx225 [scm::dsh-2::venus + unc-76(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. Reference: Mizumoto K, Sawa H. Dev Cell. 2007 Feb;12(2):287-99.
HS1325 unc-76(e911) V; osEx229. osEx229 [pry-1::GFP + unc-76(+)]. This strain expresses functional pry-1::GFP driven by the pry-1 promoter. In the seam cells, just prior to the onset of mitosis, pry-1::GFP localizes to the anterior cortex.
HS1359 unc-76(e911) V; osEx233. osEx233 [scm::mig-5::venus + unc-76(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. Reference: Mizumoto K, Sawa H. Dev Cell. 2007 Feb;12(2):287-99.
HS1380 unc-76(e911) V; osEx240. osEx240 [bet-1p::bet-1::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Pick Wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. GFP expression in most somatic cells. Reference: Shibata Y, et al. Development. 2010 Apr;137(7):1045-53.
HS2329 unc-76(e911) V; osEx397. osEx397 [cwn-1p::cwn-1::Venus + unc-76(+)]. Pick nonUnc to maintain. Transgene is expressed in tail region. Reference: Yamamoto et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
HS2332 unc-76(e911) V; osEx393. osEx393 [cwn-2p::cwn-2::Venus + unc-76(+)]. Pick nonUnc to maintain. Transgene is expressed in the pharynx. Reference: Yamamoto et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
HS321 him-5(e1467) unc-76(e911) V; osEx67. osEx67 [psa-4::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Maintain by picking non-Unc. Reference: Sawa H, et al. Mol Cell. 2000 Sep;6(3):617-24.
HS325 him-5(e1467) unc-76(e911) V; osEx71. osEx71 [psa-1::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Maintain by picking non-Unc. Reference: Sawa H, et al. Mol Cell. 2000 Sep;6(3):617-24.
HS942 unc-76(e911) V; osEx158. osEx158 [wrm-1::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Animals with the array are WT and GFP+. Animals which have lost the array are Unc and GFP-.
IA123 cdc-25.1(ij48) I; unc-76(e911) ijIs10 V. ijIs10 [cpr-5::GFP::lacZ + unc-76(+)]. Extra intestinal cells.
JR113 sma-1(e30) unc-76(e911) wDf2/sqt-3(sc8) unc-61(e228) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, RolUncs and dead eggs. Homozygous wDf1 embryos arrest uniformly as unenclosed balls of differentiated cells. wDf2 formerly called zen-1(w1). sc8 previously called rol-4(sc8).
JR41 unc-76(e911) wDf1/unc-61(e228) dpy-21(e428) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUncs and dead eggs. Homozygous wDf1 embryos arrest uniformly as unenclosed balls of differentiated cells. wDf1 formerly called zen-1(e2482). 2/02: dpy-21 appears to have been lost from this strain.
ML743 rdy-2(mc40)/sqt-3(sc63) him-5(e1467) unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Rol Uncs, and dead L2 larvae that are translucent and often found away from the bacterial lawn (can be difficult to spot on the lawn).
MT10408 lin-53(n833) I; unc-76(e911) V; lin-15A(n767) X; nEx998. nEx998 [lin-53::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Pick non-Unc, non-Muv to maintain.
MT10865 unc-76(e911) V; nEx1039. nEx1039 contains [ced-10p::GFP::ced-10 + unc-76(+)]. Maintain at 20 C. Described in Lunquist et al., Development 128, 4475-4488 (2001).
MT2663 sqt-3(sc63) him-5(e1467) egl-1(n986) unc-76(e911) V. Dominant Egl. Unc. Dpy (ts). Throws males.
MT3553 egl-43(n997) II; unc-76(e911) V. n997: Egl, 5HT-S, IMIP-R.
MT5439 sqt-3(sc8) unc-76(e911) V; lon-2(e678) xol-1(y70) X. Roller. Long. Unc. XO Lethal. sc8 previously called rol-4(sc8).
MT6160 unc-76(n2397) V. Unc. Null allele of unc-76.
MT6161 unc-76(n2398) V. Unc. Weak allele of unc-76.
MT6292 unc-76(n2457) V. Unc.
MT6940 dpy-20(e1282) IV; unc-76(e911) V. Unc. Temperature sensitive Dpy.
MT9926 efl-1(n3318)/unc-76(e911) dpy-21(e428) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, UncDpy and Mel. Received new stock from the Horvitz lab 5/04.
NJ388 unc-76(rh116) V. Unc. Loss-of-function or null allele.
NW424 unc-76(ev424) V. Unc. Loss-of-function or null allele.
OC235 sun-1(bs12) unc-76(e911) V. Unc. bs12 mutation causes sublethal defect in attachment of centrosome to the nucleus in early embryos. Viable 15-25 C. Reference: Kemp et al. (2007) Genetics 176:95-113.
OH8421 dpy-11 lsy-20(ot219) unc-76 V. Whole genome sequenced strain.
SP1493 sma-1(e30) unc-76(e911)/vab-8(e1017) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, SmaUnc and animals with a posterior half that is thin, pale, uncoordinated.
SS268 dpy-11(e224) mes-4(bn23) unc-76(e911) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Heterozygotes are Unc (n754 is a dominant Unc and recessive lethal). Throws DpyUncs which give sterile progeny. The maternal effect sterility is 99% expressed, 100% strict, and is associated with 2% maternal effect embryonic lethality.
TY1077 C25D7.12(y128) unc-76(e911)/sdc-3(y52) unc-76(e911) V; xol-1(y9) X. Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, Dpy Uncs [C25D7.12(y128) unc-76(e911) homozygotes], and Tra Uncs [sdc-3(y52) unc-76(e911) homozygotes]. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it directly from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
TY1388 C25D7.12(y128)/sdc-3(y52) unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpys [C25D7.12(y128) homozygotes], and Tra Uncs [sdc-3(y52) unc-76(e911) homozygotes]. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it directly from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
TY832 yDf4/dpy-11(e224) unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
TY873 yDf6/unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc, and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
TY903 yDf7/unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
TY956 sdc-3(y132)/unc-76(e911) V. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc and Dpy (sdc-3/sdc-3). sdc-3 homozygotes exhibit a strong maternal effect lethality->most progeny from homozygotes arrest as L1 larvae--about 14% escape the lethality and develop into Dpy, Egl hermaphrodites.
VT581 dpy-5(e61) lin-28(n719) I; lin-46(ma164) unc-76(e911) V. Dpy Unc. Egl+. lin-46 suppresses precocious Egl- phenotype of lin-28. lin-46 alone makes gaps in adult alae; enhanced at 15C.